New ride options - CTCOxfordshire Mid-week

Picture showing a group of male and female cyclists cycling on a quiet road.

New ride options - CTCOxfordshire Mid-week

At our recent AGM we decided to introduce the option of shorter and/or slower rides each Wednesday until at least the end of 2019.  The main objective is to offer rides for those members who find our current rides slightly to far and/or too fast and also to give more people the option of riding to and from the start instead of having to use their cars.  The format will be to start from the same cafe as already advertised in the rides list but may go to a different pub for lunch.  We will aim to offer rides in the 25-35 mile range rather than our normal 35-45 mile.  Towards the end of 2019 we will review the uptake and decide whether or how to continue.  The first two alternative rides, November 20th and 27th, attracted six and five riders respectively which is a very encouraging start.  The plans for the rest of the year are:

December 11th Andy’s ride is only 35 miles so perhaps no need for an alternative ride.  However, as it is the 2nd Wednesday of the month I will be going to lunch with other Veteran-Cycle Club members at The Horse & Jockey, Stanford in the Vale.  30 mile round trip back to Abingdon for anyone interested.

December 18th As it is only a short ride from Aston to our Christmas lunch at The Fox, Denchworth no alternative planned.

December 25th No ride.

January 1st This is my ride but the details may change depending on which venues are open and the weather and road conditions.

After which I will not be able to attend any further mid-week rides until March so I hope there will be others willing to keep the idea going.

If you think you may be interested in joining these rides in the future even if you will not be able to attend this year please email me so that we can judge the likely future uptake.

Peter Hallowell, Chairman CTC Oxfordshire Mid-week,