Welcome to Yorkshire and CTC to deliver Tour de France legacy

CTC are partners in Cycle Yorkshire - the Tour de France Yorkshire legacy

Welcome to Yorkshire and CTC to deliver Tour de France legacy

Cycle maintenance training will take place at CTC's Centre of Excellence in Dalby Forest, North Yorkshire. The courses will be delivered at both beginner and advanced level and are being subsidised through The Skills Enhancement Fund.

The workshops will allow members of the public and small businesses to become more confident in maintaining and adjusting their bikes, and will inspire course attendees to cycle more, meeting the long-term aims of both organisations.

The Beginners' Workshop covers ride-based repairs and the pre-ride checks every rider should know, using essential trail tools.  

The Advanced Workshop is specifically for individuals who have either completed the Beginners' Road and Trailside course, or who have substantial personal maintenance experience and competence at the elements of the Road and Trailside Maintenance course. 

Gary Verity, Chief Executive of Welcome to Yorkshire, said: “These discounted courses are a fantastic way of learning some new skills, whether you’re a beginner learning from scratch or an expert just looking to top up on some know how. They’re a chance to learn more and save money, which can only be a good thing for anyone into cycling.”

The courses will run initially in May and will be offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.  Course prices are £36 + VAT with a small booking fee.  For more information and to book see: www.yorkshire.com/tdfworkshops.

Please note there may be a fee to drive into Dalby Forest.

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