Rachael Maskell MP

Rachael Maskell MP
Rachael Maskell MP promotes cycling
Rachael Maskell MP promotes cycling
Helen Cook's picture

Rachael Maskell MP

Rachael Maskell MP is nominated for Cycling UK's 100 Women in Cycling 2019 as a keen advocate for cycling, raising the debate for improving active travel as Shadow Transport Minister.

Rachael is MP for York Central and currently Shadow Transport Minister. As a keen cyclist, Rachael campaigns for better infrastructure and improving opportunities for people to be able to use their bike as transport. She has also highlighted issues around air pollution and how the present lack of cycling infrastructure means that children, the elderly and many women are excluded from cycling short distances to school, the shops and work.

Thanks goes to Rachael for her determination and commitment to increase levels of everyday cycling.

Rachael Maskell MP - on the right - at the Labour Party Conference 2018

What is 100 Women in Cycling?

Cycling UK’s 100 Women in Cycling is an annual list celebrating inspirational women who are encouraging others to cycle. 

Find out more about Rachael

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