Inspired by Space for Cycling

Emma Metcalfe and her Space for Cycling bike
Victoria Hazael's picture

Inspired by Space for Cycling

Emma Metcalfe was a relatively new cyclist when she got involved with Space for Cycling, a campaign co-ordinated by CTC. She attended the training day and is spear-heading an inspiring campaign in Sheffield.
Emma says:
"My main reason for getting involved in cycle campaigning was actually hearing about Space for Cycling! It appealed to me because it's a campaign about ordinary people, and not about 'cyclists'. I'm a relative newcomer to regular cycling and used to feel quite worried and ashamed that I sometimes got off my bike and pushed it along the pavement when the road got too busy or I approached a scary junction. Learning about the idea of Space for Cycling, though, made me feel there was something that could be done about it.
Now, six months on, I have joined the committee of Cycle Sheffield and head up what we're doing for Space for Cycling. I came on the recent training day in Sheffield because I wanted to meet like-minded people and also share what Cycle Sheffield has been doing.
I find it useful meeting people from other campaign groups; we often find out that we have a lot in common and have the same stumbling blocks. It was also great to see some people there who were brand new to campaigning, but wanted to get more involved. It's always really valuable to be able to speak to people outside of your own campaign, who can 'see the wood from the trees'!
We like our rides to have a real party atmosphere, so I've been busy making big Space for Cycling flags and helping Matt perfect his extremely loud home-made bike-mounted speaker system!"
Emma Metcalfe 
Cycle campaigner in Sheffield
We've got one more big ride coming up this year, so it's currently all hands on deck! After that, it'll be time to reflect on how Space for Cycling in Sheffield is going and shape our strategy from now on. We'll be speaking to our friends and contacts at other campaigns and sharing ideas.
If you're considering coming along to one of CTC's training day but are feeling a bit shy, then my advice is just to go for it! Campaigns need people with all sorts of skills, so you don't need to be a 'cycling expert'. It's great to be able to meet like-minded people and talk about the issues which are important to you, and learn about the important campaigning being done by both CTC and many local groups."
  • To find out more about cycling in Sheffield, follow Emma's blog Crafty Bike Girl.  
  • Emma is supporting Ride for Eric on Sunday 21 September by organising a safe, marshalled 6km family ride as part of the event. She hopes many people will come along to show solidarity with Eric's family and highlight the need for safe space for cycling in Sheffield.
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