Blazing Saddles needs your vote on 24 November!

Experiencing the joy of cycling!

Blazing Saddles needs your vote on 24 November!

Suzanne Forup, CTC’s Assistant Head of Development in Scotland wants you to make a phone call on 24 November. It could help change the lives of people with disabilities across Scotland.

CTC partner Blazing Saddles, a project of disability charity FABB Scotland, is one of the shortlisted charities in with a chance of winning £48,435 through the People’s Millions public phone vote.

The grant would enable Blazing Saddles to purchase a fleet of adapted bikes, which would form part of the support they provide to their developing all ability cycling centres across Scotland. Adapted bikes are prohibitively expensive for families to buy, so a central loan scheme will ensure that the bikes are well used and maintained across the network of cycling centres.

CTC is working with Blazing Saddles on developing an all ability cycling centre in Edinburgh, located at an outdoor centre in the middle of the city. At the moment, we are working to put together a project plan that will enable people with disabilities and their families to ride together on Edinburgh extensive off-road network, which can be accessed from the outdoor centre. Securing loan bikes for the project would be a fantastic step to obtaining the rest of the resources required.

If you need any further encouragement to make that phone call take a look at some of the case studies on the CTC website, showcasing the life changing work that the Inclusive Cycling Network is achieving in England.

The People’s Millions phone number won’t be revealed until 24 November so please keep an eye out for it on STV or the FABB Scotland website and through social media.

You can find out more about Blazing Saddles on the People’s Missions website.:


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