Sun shines on Braintree cycle rides

Having a go at Braintree BMX

Sun shines on Braintree cycle rides

The sun certainly shone on the latest Braintree cycle ride. Everybody was raring to come out cycling again and I had to give them a new challenge.

So what better than going over to Braintree BMX Club, near Towerlands?

A couple of intrepid young-at-heart cyclists decided to try out their skills on the course which involves some scarily steep slopes - I swear they make you end up flying in the air - plus some just phenomenal banking that makes you feel like a dare-devil stunt rider, (even on my Claud Butler hybrid)!

Inevitably, one person came a cropper and ended up sliding down the banking on his bottom. But this 56-year-old was elated at re-discovering his teenage years!

Once he’d brushed himself off and picked the gravel out of his grazed elbow, we headed through Bocking for cream teas at Roundwood Garden Centre. This is a great place doing extraordinary things that are accessible to all with a community allotment and café.

We’ve got a ride this Saturday and I’ll lead everyone along the Flitch Way for a relaxing trip and, no doubt, more tea at Rayne.

And next Wednesday, I’ve got a really interesting route towards Cressing that I bet nobody will have used before. I’m so confident of this, that I’ll even buy a coffee and cake for anyone who's ridden it before!

Contact me for more information – Richard Monk / tel: 07717 724089

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