Group Rides Sept 13th and Sept 20th 2023

Wisteria coming down the side of a winding path where a trail guide and cycling group follow behind

Group Rides Sept 13th and Sept 20th 2023

Weds group rides are continuing with ride routes being decided by the leader in the week before the ride although starting locations have now been published. The full summer ride list is on the main webpage.

All rides are now starting at 09:30 until further notice.

Weds 13th Sept - this week's ride will be led by Ron and will start at Birdingbury at 09:30. Morning tea will be at Woodford Halse Community Cafe and lunch is at the Plough, Everdon. Afternoon tea will be at Daventry or Barby.



Looking forward to the following week, Ross will lead a ride starting at Barby at the normal 09:30 start time. Full details will be posted when they become available.