Margaret Jones

Margaret Jones
Margaret Jones
Margaret Jones

Margaret Jones

Margaret Jones is part of Cycling UK's 100 Women in Cycling 2018 list for her dedication to promoting cycling to the people of Cardiff.

Margaret Jones has one aim: make Cardiff the best cycling city it can be! She takes whatever opportunities she can to advocate and promote active travel to make it easier for people to walk or cycle. This can mean anything from taking part in key meetings, leading cycle rides, volunteering to help maintain the local cycle network and responding to consultations, to simply always having a couple of Cardiff Cycling and Walking maps to hand to give out.  

Margaret attends the Local Authority Cycling Stakeholder Advisory Group with cycling officers and local councillors. She’s also the secretary and treasurer for Cardiff Cycle City and a Sustrans volunteer.

For Margaret, what keeps her going is the feeling she has made a difference: “even if it is simply seeing a neighbour out on a bike giving a local journey a go, when previously they wouldn’t have contemplated it, or seeing the penny drop when I’m at an event and talking with people about where to go, and they suddenly realise there are many options for cycling other than the one major leisure trail through the city!

“I love meeting and being inspired by like-minded people, searching out and where possible emulating good practice and new ideas that can be replicated.”

Cycling UK’s 100 Women in Cycling is an annual list celebrating inspirational women who are encouraging others to take part in this wonderful and life-enhancing activity.

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