Kheira Mohammad

Kheira Mohammad
Kheira Mohammad
Kheira Mohammad

Kheira Mohammad

Kheira Mohammad is part of Cycling UK's 100 Women in Cycling 2018 list for her role in starting Share CCC.

Kheira has been involved in cycling in Birmingham for many years, and in October 2016 started a new group for local women in Balsall Heath who wanted to learn to ride. The sessions were so popular and successful a new Community Cycle Club, Share CCC, was formed in July last year. Kheira is now the club secretary and one of its ride leaders, leading the Sunday ride.

Share CCC has attracted lots of women and some men too, in part thanks to Kheira’s enthusiasm and the friendly atmosphere she has created. She’s a great advocate for her local community.

Kheira’s nomination reads, “She helped many women to take up cycling and supported many of us. She dedicated a lot of her time to encourage, help and motivate many new cyclists and organise led rides to suit everyone.”

Cycling UK’s 100 Women in Cycling is an annual list celebrating inspirational women who are encouraging others to take part in this wonderful and life-enhancing activity.

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