South West cycling advocates' network-building workshop

An opportunity to meet other cycling advocates from around the SW

South West cycling advocates' network-building workshop

Are you campaigning for cycling in the South West and want to find out how to translate your ideas into reality? If so, join us at our cycling advocates' network-building workshop in Plymouth on 15 March.

Plymouth Council are the hosts for a day of cycling workshops at the Guildhall, Plymouth on 15 March.

The first of its kind, this event is set to examine cycling provision across the South West and will look at how cycle campaign networks can grow to support and influence local authorities for everyone's benefit.

The ‘Get Britain Cycling’ report has already made politicians sit up - No 10, for instance, is calling on local and highway authorities to cycle-proof the UK’s roads. Discover how this can help underpin what cycle campaigners want to see across the South West.

Our conference will feature a range of local authority figures and cycle experts, case studies, workshops and panel discussions, to explore the ways in which cycling can become a safe, natural and entirely normal option for day-to-day travel and recreation, for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, as part of a wider vision for healthier streets and liveable communities.

The day's keynote speech will come from CTC Campaigns & Policy Director Roger Geffen, who gave evidence on cycle safety to Parliament, as did Chris Boardman and AA President Edmund King.

To raise awareness and share best practice on campaign methods, cycle infrastructure and understanding and influencing your local authority, this conference also brings together key players in cycling from around the South West including: Jim Woffenden (Plymouth City Council’s Cycling Officer), Brett Nicolle (CTC Cycle Development Officer), Zsolt Schuller (Devon County Council’s Strategic Sustainable Travel Officer) and Bill Nicholson, (Plymouth Cycle Campaign representative).

Key themes to be covered and benefits of attending:

  • Hear a national perspective on cycle campaigning, what it means for local campaign groups and how they can influence their local authorities, and how the new national ‘Space for Cycling’ campaign might work for you;
  • Exchange local perspectives on opportunities to promote cycling and how local authorities are responding to them;
  • Discuss off-road access in the South West, with a view to building a regional network of off-road campaigners for off-road cycle access;
  • Explore ways in which safety can be improved on the A30 and in other on-road schemes through cycle-proofed infrastructure;
  • Understand how you can build countywide networks to engage and influence local authorities at all levels to improve cycle provision;
  • Learn from successful case studies that have worked to improve cycle campaigning, funding, infrastructure and attracted a mix of public local authority attention;
  • Take advantage of the extensive opportunities for audience contributions throughout the day - particularly during the 'Panel Discussions', and the morning and afternoon sessions around local engagement, on and off-road planning and design and building effective campaigning networks.
  • You can access more detailed Views & Briefings here on the themes which will be covered.

To view the conference programme, plus the poster for the event, please open the PDFs below. 

Book your place now or call 01483 238 323 to get your early bird tickets at a 50% discounted rate BEFORE 8 March (£10 thereafter).

Food & drink will be provided for delegates.

If you know someone else who might be interested please use the SHARE at the bottom of the page. 

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