Dan and Jan can - why we recognised them with Certificates of Appreciation

Dan and Jan Montgomerie with their Certificates of Appreciation. Photo: Kaye Hicks
Dan and Jan with their Certificates of Appreciation
Dan and Jan with their Certificates of Appreciation

Dan and Jan can - why we recognised them with Certificates of Appreciation

In March 2020, husband and wife Dan and Jan Montgomerie of Alton in Hampshire received their awards from fellow local cyclist Kaye Hicks, who submitted their nomination.

Kaye wrote: "I'm a member of Cycling UK and ride out with the Alton-based group, which is part of Cycling UK North Hampshire. I would like recognition for Dan Montgomerie who has organised the annual Phil Hampton ride each March for many years. This event is a great season opener with 30 and 50-mile rides. It also raises thousands of pounds the Cyclists' Defence Fund (CDF) in memory of Phil Hampton, who was killed on a ride."

She adds: "Dan is a quiet, unassuming man who voluntarily arranges the event alongside his wife Jan. Dan plans and then rides the routes to double check that they’re safe, once he’s set them up. The routes have changed over the years but 30 and 50 mile distances are the current challenges. Meanwhile, Jan undertakes all the admin. 

By doing so, they are encouraging cyclists from all around Surrey and Hampshire to get out cycling and raise a lot of money for a worthy cause. To date, we think the amount raised is around £5,000, with attendance increasing every year."

Over the last ten years, around £5000 has been raised and donated by the organisers of the Phil Hampton Memorial Ride, and it’s that kind of consistent and determined effort and generosity that’s kept CDF going.

Duncan Dollimore, Head of Campaigns, Cycling UK

Cycling UK's Head of Campaigns, Duncan Dollimore, says: "The work funded through the Cyclists’ Defence Fund can only carry on because, year after year, individual supporters and clubs carry on donating.

Over the last ten years, around £5,000 has been raised and donated by the organisers of the Phil Hampton Memorial Ride, and it’s that kind of consistent and determined effort and generosity that’s kept CDF going.

It’s such a shame that events like this are having to be cancelled this year because of COVID-19, but I sure next year’s event will be back with a bang.”

In addition to all of the above, Dan and Jan are both regular ride leaders for Cycling UK North Hants, as well as taking out groups during Cycling UK's New Forest Cycling Week, which they have attended every year for many years. 

Congratulations to Dan and Jan and many thanks from everyone at Cycling UK for your fantastic efforts, which have enabled hundreds more people to enjoy cycling.

Do you know someone who deserves a Certificate of Appreciation from Cycling UK? If so, get in touch with the Volunteering Team and let us know why.

Why donate to the Cyclists' Defence Fund?

The Cyclists’ Defence Fund helps fight significant legal cases involving cyclists and cycling, especially those which could set important precedents for the future and could affect the safety of all cyclists. Over time, its remit has expended to cover all aspects of cycling and the law. It is funded through donations.

To make the best use of CDF, its activities and administration have been moved in house, with CDF’s future work being led by Cycling UK’s campaign’s team, fully supported by our communications, fundraising and other teams.

The intention is to raise CDF’s profile, continue its charitable work, and help it to grow.

“This crucial voice for cyclists’ rights can and will only be louder and clearer now it has the resources of Cycling UK fully behind it,” said Cycling UK Policy Director Roger Geffen MBE, CDF’s longest serving trustee.


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