Blazing Saddles for Cycle Chilterns at Oxfordshire County and Thame Show

A young rider enjoying a spin round the Shoretrax

Blazing Saddles for Cycle Chilterns at Oxfordshire County and Thame Show

The one day Oxfordshire County and Thame Show sizzled away under bright blue skies as the temperature climbed into the 30s. A great excuse for a day out and a busy show meant lots of visitors coming to find out more about Cycle Chilterns and have a go on the Shoretrax Portable Timber Trail.

CTC’s Sara Randle, Cycle Chilterns project manager, says, “With lots of information to give out to visitors, it was a very busy day for the project staff. Cycle Chilterns is in its first year and sees these shows as a great way to get to meet people and tell them about the exciting opportunities for cycling that we are promoting across the Chilterns.

"There are so many superb places in the Chilterns to enjoy on your own, with the family or with friends and going by bike is a brilliant way of exploring it all.”

To give them a taste of cycling, visitors were invited to take to a Shoretrax trail on lightweight cycles supplied by The Little Bike Company of Berkhamsted. Riders of all ages had a go throughout the day, despite the heat.

The Oxfordshire County and Thame Show is the second of three County Shows that Cycle Chilterns are attending with Shoretrax in 2013. They will also be at the Bucks County Show on Thursday 29 August.

Watch the short video of CTC and Cycle Chilterns at the Thame Show produced by The Little Bike Company.

More at Cycle Chilterns, on Facebook /cyclechilterns / or Twitter @cyclechilterns.

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