Adult Cycle Training opportunities - January 2014

Cycle training helps improve confidence, meaning people cycle more often

Adult Cycle Training opportunities - January 2014

Upcoming cycle training opportunities for adults (16 plus) in Leicester

Please contact or 0116 252 6536 to book a free place to learn to ride or gain confidence on the road.


Please also note monthly mountain biking opportunities at Rally Park. listed separately.


We will try to accommodate everyone we can within Leicester, with priority given to those living within the area funded by Leicester City Council via the LSTF (Local Sustainable Transport Fund).


Bikes and safety equipment provided, but it's always good to practise on your own bike.

You'll also benefit from well-loved National Standards Qualified trainers.



10:30 – 12:00     

13:00 – 14:30     

Cossingtons Street Sports Centre

Cossington St, Leicester, LE4 6JD



10:00 – 11:30     

Home Farm Neighbourhood Centre

Home Farm Close, Leicester  LE4 0SU 


9:30 – 11:00

Rally Park

Behind Woodgate Adventure Playground, enter from gates on Bonchurch St, LE3 5EG



10:00 – 11:30

Stocking Farm Healthy Living Centre

Marwood Road, Leicester  LE4 2ED



10:30 – 12:00

Cossingtons Street Sports Centre

Cossington St, Leicester, LE4 6JD


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