Longbridge Ladies look for new recruits to go further together

Longbridge Ladies Cycling Club members Alison Justham, Liz I’Anson, Deb Weston, Jo Lennie and Jill Ellison

Longbridge Ladies look for new recruits to go further together

An old African proverb states: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” That is the ethos displayed loud and clear on the Longbridge Ladies Cycling Club website – and if it suits your cycling philosophy, then they would love to hear from you!

Longbridge Ladies is a new cycling group offering women from the West Midlands/Worcestershire area the opportunity to get together for weekly Wednesday rides, Sunday rides, hotel and hostel weekends away, cycle camping adventures, social outings…and much more.

The club is affiliated to Cycling UK and is on the lookout for new members, both beginners and seasoned cyclists.

Deb Weston formed the club last May – a month before being diagnosed with kidney cancer.

She said: “Longbridge Ladies was set up to create an environment that gives women the biggest opportunities for the best cycling adventures.

“Our ‘Pace not race’ motto clearly suggests we are not interested in competing against each other – our hope is that we all make it!

“From the first turn of the pedals on a Longbridge Ladies ride, you will know if we are the club for you. Whether a beginner or experienced cyclist, you are invited to share the laughs, the enthusiasm and the unpredictability of an unlikely bunch of women all striving for a common goal.

Longbridge Ladies was set up to create an environment that gives women the biggest opportunities for the best cycling adventures.”

Club founder Deb Weston

“The pace of rides will be steady, no one will be left behind and there is always a chance for coffee and a bite to eat. Occasional additional rides, holidays and social events provide an opportunity for partners, family and friends to join in the fun.”

Deb founded Hopwood Ladies Cycling Club 10 years ago. She was at the helm for nine years but started to become ill and left.

She said: “Despite still not feeling good, I was urged by my partner and a couple of friends who had followed me to start anew, and in May last year the self-funded Longbridge Ladies Cycling Club was born.

“Little did I know that a month later I was to be diagnosed with kidney cancer, and in July last year I had the offending kidney removed. With a handful of people at my side, the decision was made that the club would carry on so there would be something for me to return to.

“Thankfully I made a good recovery and drove out to join my growing group two weeks later. Six weeks on, I led a beginners group on a 20-mile ride and four months on, I rode my first 100 miles.

“So here we are now, almost a year on, and we have at least laid some foundations. Now we want to grow as a club and would love to welcome new members.”

Anyone interested in finding out more should contact Deb Weston on 07738 982161 or email debweston@aol.com. You can also check out the Longbridge Ladies website and Facebook page.

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