Come and meet CTC Cymru

Come and have your say on what CTC should be doing in Wales at the AGM. image: Leo Reynolds, flickr CC

Come and meet CTC Cymru

CTC Cymru represents members living in Wales, and its AGM is a chance to meet the CTC Councillor for Wales, Gwenda Owen, along with the Cymru committee. Come along to find out what CTC's been up to and have your say on what we should be doing next.

The meeting will take place at:

Shrewsbury Quaker Meeting House, Corporation Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 2NU

On Saturday 28 November 2015 11.00am to 3.30pm.


  • Attendance and apologies
  • Minutes of AGM held on 26 March 2015 (Cardiff)
  • Annual Report & Officers & Committee report
  • Approval of Financial Statement 2014 - 2015
  • Report on the Welsh Festival of Cycling 2015 and plans for the Festival in 2016
  • CTC Councillor for Wales – Gwenda Owen, CTC developments
  • Appointment of Officers & Committee members – offers/bank signatories
  • Election of Representatives: 
  1. Regional (North Wales; Mid Wales; South West Wales; South East Wales)
  2. Member Groups (Chester & North Wales; Cardiff & South Wales; Swansea & West Wales)

Tea, coffee and soft drinks available throughout; light buffet to be ordered.


CTC Cymru and the Future:

  • Cycle campaigning in Wales and discussion on the current Active Travel Act Local Authority mapping proposals;
  • Influencing the Welsh Government;
  • Partnership working;
  • Constitution and development plans.
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Could someone please explain why the Welsh CTC meeting is held in Shrewsbury which is in England and not in Wales?