CTC's Ride Leader workshops are taking place throughout the country this autumn

Leading a group ride is a great way to make friends and discover new places

CTC's Ride Leader workshops are taking place throughout the country this autumn

CTC has a long history of providing members and others with the opportunity to enjoy excursions by bike in the company of like-minded cyclists, with the opportunity to explore new areas, make new friends and - of course - discover welcoming places to eat cake!

But none of the hundreds of rides that take place every week would be possible without the services of a volunteer Ride Leader to plan the route, organise the meeting point and decide on a suitable place to stop for refreshments, taking into account the needs of the group, as well as their own personal preferences. In addition, there are the legal, moral and insurance requirements to consider.

Excellent workshop and presentation by Greg - so enthusiastic!"

CTC's Ride Leader workshops are taking place throughout the country this autumn.  Led by experienced tutors, they are bringing together existing Ride Leaders, and those who have not yet given it a try, by providing an opportunity to share knowledge and skills, ask questions and build confidence.

The workshops deal with such things as:

  • how to ride with the group
  • where to position yourself as Ride Leader
  • how to use a back marker
  • what to do if an incident occurs 
  • how to plan a route
  • how to safeguard young people

and much more. Over coffee and lunch, there is also the chance to chat and exchange further tips and advice. 

The workshops will help me to feel more confident about leading rides in future and back up points I may wish to emphasise for the benefit of all riders."  

In addition to the knowledge gained in the workshops, attendees also benefit from a comprehensive set of resources that they can take away with them for future reference, plus ideas for continuing to develop their confidence and skills as Ride Leaders.

The workshop was a good way of increasing my knowledge of the thought processes behind becoming group leader, and sharing best practice from fellow CTC members."

All workshop attendees also receive a certificate of attendance and a free CTC goodie bag to take away with them.

So far, workshops have taken place in Guildford, Blackpool, Birkenhead, Brighton and Tonbridge, with more planned at lots of other venues throughout Britain.  If you would like to take part in a workshop, please register now, but be quick as places are filling up fast!

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