East Yorkshire CTC's 90th Anniversary Dinner

LtoR: prizewinners Mel Parker, Dudley Moore, Eric Crowther, Dave Elvin, Chris Burton, Angie Rawson, Dick Brooks and Geoff Rawson

East Yorkshire CTC's 90th Anniversary Dinner

CTC members and friends celebrated East Yorkshire CTC's 90th Dinner Prize Presentation recently. Group Treasurer Sheila Sampson describes the event.

An enjoyable evening was had by the members of East Yorkshire CTC who attended the Annual Dinner at the Village Hotel, Priory Park, Hessle. Our guest speaker on this special occasion was Jim Sampson, who entertained us with many stories of his cycling exploits; everyone present appreciated his marvellous sense of humour.

Jim, a senior coach from the Association of British Cycling Coaches, spoke about being a cyclist since 1954, covering around half a million miles during the intervening sixty years. He commented that: "We had no distractions back then, there was less traffic and for some of us it was our only means of transport."

Jim has been a member of East Yorkshire CTC for very many years and still participates in many of its cycling challenges. Two days after the dinner, he took part in the group's 50-mile Standard Ride on a windy Sunday, along with 47 other riders.

In view of the Tour De France coming to the area last year, and the Tour of Yorkshire starting in Bridlington on 1 May 2015, we look forward to cycling as a sport and pastime continuing for many years.

East Yorkshire CTC Chair Eric Crowther replied by proposing the names of the winners of the medals, which are given out for various achievements over the year. Eric Crowther himself received an award for services to the club - he was the editor of our local magazine 'The Woldsman' for ten years. The rest of the group received medals for rides we organise over the year.


A special East Yorkshire CTC 90th Anniversary Ride reunion invitation day will take place on Sunday 5 July 2015 and organiser Sheila Sampson would like to hear from anyone interested in taking part, especially past members who have lost touch and may have any memorabilia that she could use.


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