CTC mourns passing of John Radford

John Radford

CTC mourns passing of John Radford

Friend, fellow cyclist and future CTC Councillor Martyn Bolt says a few words on the passing of fellow Councillor John Radford.

It is with great sadness that I mark the passing of one of the stalwarts in northern cycling, CTC Councillor John Radford (70). John was knocked from his bike by a car in July 2013, and never recovered from his injuries, requiring constant care for the rest of his life.

John put as much into cycling as he got out of it. He was active with his local CTC group, Autumn Tints, a regular participant in Audax events and latterly, for far too brief a period, had taken up the role of CTC Councillor for Yorkshire and the Humber.

John Radford had also been Chairman of Huddersfield and District Member group for 14 years, and Chairman of the West Yorkshire DA.

Ken Roberts, former Secretary of Huddersfield and District CTC says: "In that time, he has encouraged many new cyclists as well as persuading local riders to extend their capabilities by entering both national and international events.He brought great wisdom, knowledge, and humour to the Club whilst his involvement with CTC Council as well as Audax UK meant that we were always up to date with cycling developments and campaigns."

"His tragic death has meant that we have lost an inspirational leader; a great organiser for cycling and a true friend."

Ken Roberts
Former Secretary, Huddersfield and District CTC

John was also involved in the successful Phil & Friends Challenge rides, which raised money for the Cyclists' Defence Fund. He had been involved in a previous road collision, and eagerly took up the cause of CTC's 'Road Justice' campaign, arranging to meet his Police and Crime Commissioner to hand in CTC's 'Road Justice' booklet on policing in May 2013.

Just weeks later, John attempted to complete the London-Edinburgh-London Audax event, but pulled out of the ride after over 250 miles as he felt he was not riding as well as he could have. He and I travelled home to Huddersfield by train together.

John immediately offered to fetch all my drop bags and clothes, as he had left his car in London. This was just one example of how he was so generous of spirit and with his time.

John was thoughtful, perceptive, kind and considerate and a joy to work with. Our thoughts are with his family, who have been so strong and resolute in the face of this tragedy." 

David Cox OBE
Chair of Council

David Cox OBE and Chair of CTC Council said:

“John was one of our two elected CTC Councillors for Yorkshire and the Humber, and it was good to have someone with such depth of cycling experience and strong local roots taking an interest in national CTC business. We will now be inspired to work even harder to make the roads safer for all cyclists.”

John Radford was a well-known cyclist in Yorkshire and in CTC, the news of his death has been reported by the BBC, the Huddersfield Examiner and Cycling Weekly

The driver of the car that hit John was convicted of dangerous driving at Leeds Crown Court and is awaiting sentencing. 

John leaves wife Pat and daughters Emma and Helen, and their families. John's family would like to thank everybody for the kind words written about their amazing dad.

The funeral will take place at Christ Church Helme, near to Meltham, on 19 November at 12 noon. The service will be a celebration of John's life, and the family want lots of smiles!

They add: "Cycling was my dad's life and I am sure that he would appreciate an array of cycling jerseys in the church to highlight this. Some of you may want to arrive by bike which we also welcome! We have asked that only family send flowers, a collection at the service will be split between Helme church and Street Bikes CIC. We hope that you can join us." Emma, Helen and Pat.....xx

Video of John Radford's Thanksgiving and Celebration.

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