The last chance to ask for Funding4Cycling

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Get #Funding4Cycling into the Autumn Statement

The last chance to ask for Funding4Cycling

Friday is the last chance for the public to tell the Chancellor to include Funding4Cycling in his Autumn Budget statement – make sure your voice is heard.

Cycling has risen up the political agenda this week with the Government publishing its much delayed Cycling Delivery Plan mere hours before Parliament had the opportunity to debate cycling in the UK.

Yesterday's debate saw over 25 MPs making impassioned pleas to the Government to make sure that they provided funding for cycling. Cycling Minister Robert Goodwill MP pointed out that while the plan made no commitments towards funding, it did publicly state the Government’s recognition for the first time that £10 per head annually is an aspirational figure.

Roger Geffen, CTC Campaigns and Policy Director followed the debate closely - he has written a summary of the cycling debate, alternatively, you can watch the whole debate again. For a comprehensive look at the whole picture read CTC's views on the plan and the Government's lack of funding

With such a ground swell of political support for cycling and recognition that funding is of paramount importance to create the Prime Minister’s “cycling revolution”, there is no time like the present to tell HM Treasury that we need Funding4Cycling.

Take two minutes to support cycling today!

Today is the last opportunity to tell the Chancellor to include Funding4Cycling in his Autumn Statement on 03 December. CTC has set up an easy to use template which will only take 2 minutes of your time at Please use it and pressure HM Treasury to provide Funding4Cycling.

***UPDATE 23-10-14***

The Funding4Cycling campaign reached over 12,000 people over its one week life span. Together with CTC's joint submission to HM Treasury it is hoped that on 03 December, when the Chancellor makes his Autumn Statement, Funding4Cycling will be included. 

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