Space for Cycling signs up 500th Councillor

Space for Cycling is gaining increasing momentum

Space for Cycling signs up 500th Councillor

Cllr Jerry Evans of Birmingham City Council has signed up as the 500th councillor to the national Space for Cycling campaign.

The Space for Cycling campaign is geared towards creating a safe sustainable cycling environment where anyone can cycle anywhere. In order to achieve this goal, the campaign has asked for the Government to commit to £10 per person per year rising progressively to £20, in order to meet German levels of cycling by 2025 and Dutch levels of cycling by 2050.

Space for Cycling campaign was originally created by the London Cycling Campaign (LCC) to lobby candidates in 2014’s London borough elections. CTC, together with Cyclenation, and with funding from the cycle industry's 'Bike Hub' levy, run by the Bicycle Association,  took the campaign nationwide in April of the same year.

As a councillor in one of the UK’s eight Cycling Cities, I can readily see what is achieved for cycling when there is funding of £10 per head per year. However with this sum drying up after only 2 years I can also see the risk of not having long term consistent cycle funding. We need committed funding for cycling and strong central leadership – only then will we achieve space for cycling.”

Cllr Jerry Evans for Birmingham
500th Councillor to sign up to the campaign

Local campaign groups, CTC members and interested individuals have called on their Councillors to pledge support for Space for Cycling in their local area, and have now reached councillors from Cornwall to the Highlands of Scotland. Reaching the important milestone of 500 councillors demonstrates the ever increasing momentum of the campaign as new councillors across the country pledge their support every week. 

Have you called on your local councillor to pledge their support? If not, click here and take action and make Space for Cycling.

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