The Windmill Club

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

The Windmill Club

Welcome to The Windmill Club homepage, an affiliated group of Cycling UK.

We hope you will enjoy reading about us by visiting our Windmill Club Blog page where every ride is recorded by our expert bloggers with many photographs and amusing stories.


Contact details

Andrew Rusack
07711 579162
Our activities 
Leisure/Touring rides
About us 

The Windmill Club is a Cycling UK affiliated group.

 Rides take place twice a week - approx. 20 /25 miles on a Monday afternoon / evening and approx 30/45 miles on Thursday mornings. 

Monday rides are 20/25 miles and start  anytime between  11.00 and 6.00pm depending on winter or summer, from various locations locally e.g Lower Langley, Chrishall, Nuthampstead, Wendens Ambo.  

Thursday rides are 30/40 miles and usually start at 9.30am, from various locations in Essex, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. Lunch is a popular option at the end of a ride where we select pubs that specifically cater for cycling groups of 8 plus riders . 

During the summer months rides sometimes start in a wide variety of locations in East Anglia and take in places such as Aldeburgh, Southwold, Wells and even London. The pace is leisurely and there is as much focus on good companionship, conversation and coffee / pub stops as there is on cycling.

Each ride costs £5.00 and the proceeds are donated to various charities at the end of each year. So far, over £8,000 has been raised.

For more details of The Windmill Club's rides please take a look at our interesting and amusing blogs;

email the organiser Andrew Rusack on 

Please call Andrew Rusack to discuss on 07711 579162


Information about the group rides 

If you would like to join The Windmill Club please email the organiser Andrew Rusack at 

Alternatively call Andrew Rusack to discuss on 07711579162   

Maurice Warner 07768 444496
Martin Woodhead 07710 381600

Our area