Wheels 4 Fun

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Wheels 4 Fun

Welcome to Wheels 4 Fun homepage, who are an affiliated group of Cycling UK.

Our activities 
Rides specifically designed for disabled people
About us 

Wheels 4 Fun is a cycling group for adults with physical disability who would like to cycle but find it difficult to ride a standard bike or who have a bike they can ride but don’t have people they can go out riding with. It is a Community cycling club affiliated to and supported by Cycling UK, set up in June 2016 by volunteer cycling enthusiasts who are involved with Leeds Cycling Campaign (LCC). The LCC Easy Riders Saturday group join up with Wheels 4 Fun once a month.

Information about the group rides 

Who can Wheels 4 Fun help and how?

Wheels 4 Fun aims to help adults with a range of health conditions causing physical disability to be able to exercise on wheels using tricycles or tandems. We can also use other bikes to help people regain their balance and confidence to be able to ride a standard bike after illness or injury. We have the expertise of physiotherapists and qualified cycle trainers and instructors to help with this. We cannot guarantee that we will have something suitable for everyone to ride, but if we don’t, we will give advice on other places that may be able to help. Anyone requiring further information about whether the group is suitable for them can call  07585 950650.

When and where does it take place?

The group usually meets at Meanwood Valley Urban farm, Sugar Well Rd, Leeds LS7 2QG on Saturdays, 11 AM to 1 PM. There is no booking system but we advise that you telephone before coming for the first time, as we occasionally meet at a different venue. We can also be quite busy in the summer so we ask that you are prepared to be patient if this is the case.

What does it cost and what equipment is needed?

There is no specific charge but a donation of a few pounds per visit is appreciated to put towards running costs, as the group receives no official funding. 

What equipment is needed?

Helmets and high visibility vests can be loaned but participants will need to come suitably dressed for cycling.

Social involvement

The group is friendly and sociable; people enjoy a chat between rides and many stay for a cuppa or a snack at the Barn café after riding. Often riders, family members and carers help out with the running of the sessions. We sometimes cycle to a different venue where we have tea and cake or a picnic before riding back.

When and where does the group ride?

On Saturdays, we mainly ride on the predominantly off-road cycle route that passes through Meanwood farm; sometimes, we go to other locations such as cycle tracks or quiet roads. Occasionally, we have rides in venues such as parks, sometimes as sponsored events to raise funds.


There are no paid staff; everyone involved in running and supporting the group gives freely of their time and new volunteers are always welcome; no particular skills are required.

For further information call 07585 950650 or see the website: www.wheels4funleeds.wordpress.com

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