
Cycling UK Affiliated Group


Welcome to WelHatCycling. 

Whether you have only just started to ride, or you think you should get back on that old bike that's been lying in the shed for years, we aim to provide the motivation and the confidence to get you cycling. We can help you get your bike fit for the road, show you the best local cycle routes and even find someone to teach you how to ride.  Our aim is to get People on Bikes.


Contact details

Adam Edwards
01707 271454 (Answerphone)
Our activities 
Leisure/Touring rides
Family rides
Campaigning group
About us 


WelHatCycling is the informal name of Welwyn Hatfield Cycling Forum, which is a Cycling UK affilated group. Our simple aim is to get People on Bikes.

We organise led rides to local attractions on Saturdays, or Sundays throughout the Summer. Rides usually start at 11:00 from either White Lion Square in Hatfield, or Campus West in WGC. See our web site for dates and full details. Rides are open to all ages and abilities, but juniors must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Short family rides are almost entirely on segregated cycle routes, so are ideal for small children and absolute beginners. Longer rides follow off road cycle paths and quiet roads wherever possible and ride between 20 and 30 miles in total. All rides include a lunch break at a cafe or pub en route. We ride at the speed of the slowest rider. Nobody gets left behind and we always carry tools to get you home in case of a minor breakdown.

Our monthly meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month, where we discuss our future activities and local cycling issues. Meetings are open to all and are currently held on Zoom, starting at 19:15.

We provide publicity stalls at many local events throughout the year, where we are available for information about local cycle routes, local and national cycling campaigns. Where possible at these events, we offer a free Bike Check by our qualified mechanics.

Outside our meetings we endeavour to respond to local planning consultations where we believe new, or improved cycling infrastructure may be needed. We are also pleased to offer pre-planning advice to local organisations who wish to provide cycling facilities within and around their proposed developments. 

We are always looking for like minded people to join our group. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch, either through our web site, or by coming to one of our meetings, talking to us on one of our publicity stalls, or joining one of our activities.

For latest information please go to  WelHatCycling.org.uk

Information about the group rides 

WelHatCycling rides are designed to encourage you to cycle for all your local journeys. We are not road racers, or long distance tourers, our simple aim is to get People on Bikes. We will show you the local cycling network at a leisurely pace. Our short rides follow sections of segregated cycle paths, with little interface with motorised traffic, so are ideal for small children and absolute beginners. Our longer rides cover between 20 and 30 miles with a lunch break at a local cafe, or pub en route. We ride at the speed of the slowest rider. Nobody gets left behind and we always carry a small tool kit to get you home in the event of a minor breakdown.

See our website for latest ride details.

Our area