Reading Belles on Bikes

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Reading Belles on Bikes

Welcome to Reading Belles on Bikes homepage, who are an affiliated group of CTC.

Our activities 
Women only rides
About us 

Reading Belles on Bikes are a women only leisure riding group accessible for beginners and returners to cycling.  


We advertise our rides on the event organising platform 'Meet Up' - please join our group there for updates on all our rides: 

Information about the group rides 

We are a not for profit, women only cycling group. We started the group to encourage women to rediscover their love of cycling! So if you haven't cycled for a while, or are a complete beginner, join our friendly group rides to build up your confidence.  The rides are free and led by volunteer ride leaders. 

We usually cycle on Sunday mornings and will show you great cycle routes through Reading, some along the rivers and into the countryside on the outskirts of Reading. Starting at 10am from Palmer Park sports stadium, where you can borrow a bike and helmet if you need to (currently this facility is unavailable due to C19 - we hope to be able to offer this again in Autumn 2021). Beginners welcome to the shorter rides, and longer rides for more experienced cyclists. We always stop for a coffee and a chat.

INTERMEDIATE RIDES : 15 to 25 miles, for more experienced cyclists travelling 9-11 mph.

SHORT RIDES : 8 to 12 miles, for beginners cycling 7 - 9 mph.

VERY BEGINNER RIDES : about 5 miles, to get you familiar with cycling, available on request.

LONG RIDES : 25 to 35 miles, occasionally we stretch our legs and go a little further, for more experienced cyclists travelling 9-11 mph.  

All our ride leaders are experienced, qualified leaders and supported by Cycling UK who support us with advice and insurance.  So, if you are returning to cycling, or are more experienced and want to cycle with a friendly group - please join us!

Our area