Lancashire Road Club

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Lancashire Road Club

Welcome to Lancashire Road Club homepage, who are an affilated group of CTC.

Contact details

Jason Tonge
07552 066945
About us 

Lancashire Road Club are a CTC affilated group. For more information please go to the Lancashire Road Club Website.

There are plenty of rides organised within the club, catering for all abilities:

  • Old Lags Ride: A circular run of around 40 miles average speed 13mph. Café stop included.
  • Club Run: Usually covers between 70-90 miles and averages around 15mph. Café lunch stop included. See events page for further details
  • STRAW Ride (Steady Training Run All Welcome): Usually covers between 70-90 miles and averages around 17mph. Café lunch stop included. Arranged via the “Club Forum”.
  • Early Bird Ride: Usually covers between 50-60 miles and averages around 19mph. Set off early Sunday morning and back before lunch, brew stop included. Arranged via the “Club Forum”.
  • Winter Training Ride: Fast training ride 50 miles, avergaing 20mph in a through and off formation.


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