Kingston Phoenix Road Club

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Kingston Phoenix Road Club

Welcome to Kingston Phoenix Road Club homepage, who are an affiliated group of CTC.

Contact details

About us 

The Kingston Phoenix Road Club is a small cycling club based in the Kingston/Epsom/Sutton area of South London and Surrey, but with members who live all over the place, specifically from Kingston, Ewell, Epsom, Worcester Park, Cheam and Sutton.

We were formed in 1936 to allow members of the local cycle touring section to race with their friends rather than leave to join one of the many existing cycle racing clubs.

Our main cycling sport is Time Trialling. Some members take part in Triathlons, Road Racing and Cyclo Cross. Overall our emphasis is on enjoying the sport rather than winning.

But the club isn't only about racing these days, we try to be a sociable bunch and have a Saturday ride that meets at Horton Country Park, Epsom, for a sociable morning ride - this generally splits into three groups: fast, slow and off-road. There is also a Sunday ride that aims to do around 50 miles and be home by late lunchtime. See the news page for more details.

We promote a number of racing events and also have an annual Club Dinner and dance; as well as BBQs and other social events.

New members are always welcome. If you are interested in joining please refer to our contacts page.


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