Essex CTC Member Group

Cycling UK Member Group

Essex CTC Member Group

Essex is a beautiful county.

We know this because our type of cycling takes us away from congested towns and into the countryside unspoilt by the motor car. Our rides through the villages can be like a step back in time as we admire the rolling landscape, quaint thatched cottages and the sights and sounds of authentic rural England. The pace of life in the countryside is matched only by our own modest speed.

There's a freedom and beauty about Essex that only cycling can do justice.

There's nothing special about what we do. Some of us ride with the CTC because of the companionship, some for the scenery. We all enjoy the fantastic bonus that this unstressed exercise really does keep us fit.

If you’re interested to know more please get touch or just turn up and join one of our events or join is one of our regular rides.

See our Essex web site for contact details and details of events and up and coming rides.




Our activities 
Leisure/Touring rides
About us 

The Essex branch of the CTC originated as a District Association and was established in 1927.  Since then the importance of cycling as a method of travel has changed and our towns and cities are full of cars. But cycling is far from finished. In fact it's a fabulous leisure activity that is genuinely practical and the perfect way of discovering the beauty of the Essex countryside.

There are more than 1,600 CTC members in Essex and 4 active CTC member groups.

  • Chelmsford City IMG
  • Colchester IMG
  • Havering MG
  • South East Essex IMG

Plus two affiliated groups.

  • Easy Riders
  • EDARF (Essex District Association Reunion Fellowship),

Secretary of the Essex CTC Member Group

Information about the group rides 

See our rides and events on our main website:











Our area