Wigan Borough Community Cycling Club

Wigan Borough Community Cycling Club

Welcome to Wigan Borough Community Cycle Club homepage. Don't fancy racing or time trialling, just want to go for a leisurely ride with like minded company. We may have the answer.

Contact details

Our activities 
Leisure/Touring rides
About us 

Wigan Borough Community Cycling Club are a CTC affiliated group. We are an established adult only club and comprise of a mixed group both in age and cycling ability. We don't race, wear an abundance of Lycra or give out awards or titles, (none we can publish anyway) What do we do you may ask? Simply put we enjoy cycling (off-road whenever possible) a laugh and a joke, each others company and the occasional pint, not necessarily in that order mind! Most of our rides are based around the Wigan area but we do venture out around the North West when the mood takes us. We cycle from Trencherfield Mill in Wigan every Tuesday and Thursday, usually comprising of a mix of undulating on and off road sections over approx 20 to 25 miles.

For more information visit our website at www.wbccc.uk

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