Woodthorpe 26-07-2023

Woodthorpe 26-07-2023

A Wednesday Wander to Woodthorpe

Wednesday 26th July 2023

After a rather unsettled period of weather over the weekend, all was good today for a summer's ride to Woodthorpe on a spin around the local lanes.

Meeting up at Louth's Meridian Leisure Centre were Tim Newbery, Steve Croton, Paul Linder, John Rickett, Rob Cook, Sarah Paris and Maggie Blades. Maggie hasn't ridden with the group for ages so great to meet up with her again. We also managed to have a chat with Reg Bagshaw who had been for a swim. He had family duties to attend to today so wished us all a pleasant ride.

Indeed, the sun was shining with temperatures due to climb to a warm 23 Degrees Celsius. Our route today would take us through South Cockerington and along to Howdales. Some of the cereal had already been harvested but ears of wheat and barley (partly bend over by recent rains) were still ripening in other fields. Today's weather will certainly help. Great too to hear an abundance of birdsong.

Approaching Three Bridges Tim had requested a brief halt for a group photo and as luck would have it, Alan Hockham met up with us at the junction.

We'd now follow the marsh lanes to Withern where a short section along would lead us directly to Woody's Bar and Restaurant for refreshments. Today a special offer of coffee and bun (bacon or otherwise) for £3.50.

Rob, Alan and Steve needed a more direct route home from here so left the remainder to wind their way back to Louth via Claythorpe and Little Cawthorpe. Just as were were crossing the 'Splash' and the watering stone, we briefly had a chat with two cyclists on holiday from Cumbria. They were surprised at the short but sharp climbs in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

Arrived back at the Leisure Centre on schedule at 1 pm with John treating club members to a cup of coffee. Many thanks and we hope to see Maggie again soon.

29 miles for the Louth contingent.