Wold Newton 13-08-2023

Wold Newton 13-08-2023

Cycling UK Louth’s ride to Wold Newton and Ludborough

Sunday 13th August 2023:

Weather forecasts on this morning’s radio broadcasts had mentioned scattered showers, possibly heavy and thundery but as ever in these situations we had hoped to remain in the ‘sunny slots’ in-between.

Today, a ride to the monthly offering of legendary tea and cake at the Village Hall in Wold Newton, to be followed by a visit to the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway and their ‘steam day’.

Meeting up at the Leisure Centre in Louth along with Ride Leader Tim Newbery were John Rickett, John Weeks, John Ambler, Chris Owen, Steve Croton, Paul Linder, Rob Cook and Alan Hockham. Another great attendance.

Heading along St Bernards Avenue to the River Lud we’d learn that Alan had suffered a violent rear inner tube deflation. With offers of assistance he opted to join up later and the group headed north. Today we’d climb up to the Lincolnshire Wolds via Little Grimsby and North Elkington. Always a great view of the coastal marshes from North Elkington Lane although there’d be too much vegetation in the fields to spot the ‘lumps and bumps’ of the Deserted Medieval Village.

Along Boswell Road we’d soon meet up with a group of Lindsey Roads CC and had a good chat with Brian Mann. We wondered how many other cyclists would be gathering at Wold Newton. Great to see a number of ladies also enjoying the day out and good to have spotted Maggie Blades. Twice.

We arrived a little ahead of schedule and had beaten most of the crowds and were served with delicious cakes and plentiful supplies of hot drinks. John Rickett learnt that the future of the Village Hall was now looking quite favourable. Many thanks to the efforts of the whole team.

Just as were contemplating the fate of Alan, he arrived having fixed the offending rupture. Alan was happy to continue to Ludborough so that he too wouldn’t miss out on refreshments. The Steaming Kettle Buffet carriage had advertised that they would be open all day serving fine fayre.

The ride along the top road was very pleasant and there were distinctive ‘mewing’ calls of at least two pairs of Buzzard. It can take juvenile birds several years to master the adult call. There’d now be a fast descent to Howerby Park, over the A15 through Grainsby and then Bowling Park on the far side of the A16 with its vistas of the large estate, once owned by the Nettleship-family.

Not too far now to Fulstow and Station Road which would take us all the way to the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway. Arriving at 12.15 pm we’d have time to sample a mix of bacon baps, snacks and drinks at the Steaming Kettle Buffet before the 12.45 departure of the train. Today, the carriages were to be hauled by No.1964 ‘Spitfire’. She had spent her working life in the chemical industry at Trafford Park in Manchester but following restoration has a new lease of life having been with LWR since 2016.

(Chris Owen has some great photos of the time at LWR on his Facebook page)

A little after departure we’d be hailed by Reg Bagshaw who was also on a ride to the railway station. Perhaps he’d booked himself onto the 13.45 ‘Afternoon Cream Tea Special’. We hoped he enjoyed the ride and day out.

The return to Louth via Little Carlton, Legbourne Furze and Stewton was designed to have a number of ‘escape routes’ for those wishing a more direct route to home ports, indeed some 5 options to choose from. So it was that at the Little Carlton Junction it was only Tim and John Rickett that would continue on the club’s route.

Luckily, or maybe skilfully, Tim and John had skirted around a heavy shower and would instead enjoy increasingly sunny skies.

Arrived back at the Leisure Centre a little before 2.30 pm having covered 43 miles. John Rickett would go on to clock up about 50, with John Weeks and Paul Linder closer to 70.

Many thanks to all for a fine day out.