WMPCCC go to Wolverhampton St Peters to see 'To Heaven & Back' by Kathleen Fabre.

St Peters 'To Heaven & Back'

WMPCCC go to Wolverhampton St Peters to see 'To Heaven & Back' by Kathleen Fabre.

Well now, when I had heard of a friend of mine, (artist) had been to visit St Peters in Wolverhampton,

I asked the members of WMPCC if they wanted to go see my friends art work

(which was fantastic by the way)

the invitation was accepted.

We also visited West Park.

We used the NCR 81 route to gain access to Wolverhampton City Centre, through to West Park and back in.
A distance making a grand total of 12.36 Miles was well executed by the WMPCCC.

Well done all, your best mileage total yet.
Folks, please be sure to visit St Peters and admire Kathleen Fabre's fantastic artwork.

'To Heaven & Back'.