Wednesday Wander to Swaby

Wednesday Wander to Swaby

Wednesday Wander to Swaby 8th June 2022

Bike Week Day 3

With other volunteers away, Tim suggested and had agreed to lead a ride to Tracey's Little Cake Company Tearoom in Swaby. Meeting up with Tim at the Meridian Leisure Centre were Paul Linder and Alan Hockham. On this occasion Alan minus his bike as he was on duty but he had come across to give his greetings and support. Chris was set to meet up with us at Little Cawthorpe.

For once, the weather was scheduled to be on our side today with the early rain having cleared away and heavy showers not setting in until later in the afternoon. We had been promised warm sunshine!

We met up with Chris as notified at Little Cawthorpe and a pleasant time was had pedalling along the Top Road through Muckton and up to Meagram Top. Great views today in all directions and the increasingly vibrant birdsong was a joy to hear.

Longhedge Lane would take us past the historic pinfold and a sharp rise ensued all the way to the Whitepit. Paul decided to sprint to the top of the hill from Church Lane, obviously looking forward to sustenance.

Tracey as ever gave us all a warm welcome and beans on toast, scrambled egg and scones and jam went down a treat.

With the sun still shining brightly, Paul would make his way home to Alford whilst Tim and Chris would continue through Aby, Authorpe Fields and the Carltons.

The entrance to Castle Wood is now partly overgrown but the mound on which once stood a twelfth-century motte and bailey castle was still just visible as we passed by. Castle Carlton (Karletoñ super mare cum castro) was once a thriving commercial centre, nicknamed Market Carlton. Hard to believe when viewed today.

Chris would continue back to Little Cawthorpe via Legbourne whilst Tim opted to return to Louth via Stewton. Arrived back at 1.30 pm having covered 27 miles, temperatures by now a warm 21 degrees Celsius!