Tetney 5th January 2023

Tetney 5th January 2023

A Thursday Trundle to Tetney

5th January 2023 - National Bird Day

View the Video HERE

With winds gusting up to 44 mph on the Wednesday, it was decided to move the club ride to Thursday and the morning started off pleasantly enough with bright skies, light winds and temperatures hovering around 10 Degrees Celsius.

Meeting up with Tim Newbery in Louth were Paul Linder, John Rickett and Alan Hockham.

Alan would today be trying out his pedal assist bike for the first time. Following months of extensive research and painstaking engineering in converting his Giant road bike, it was all systems go, and 'go' the bike certainly did.

Pedalling off to the Covenhams via Brackenborough we encountered a number of cyclists also enjoying the fine conditions, although on this occasion we didn't see Reg who sometimes joins us at the reservoir.

A southwesterly wind aided our journey to Manning's Cafe at Tetney Golf Club and we arrived a little ahead of schedule at 11 am.

James and Deborah would serve us with hot drinks and various breakfast buns and we enjoyed amiable discussions, allowing a brief period of drizzly rain to pass through.

With skies brightening once more, we would turn coastbound along Tetney Lock Road. Passing the Oil Terminal, it was interesting to think of the tankers offloading crude oil at the Spurn Point monobuoy to be pumped by subsea pipeline directly to these storage tanks, before being piped to the refinery at South Killingholme for processing.

The next leg via the West End and Marshchapel Ings would give splendid views of Little Egret, Heron and Buzzard and with Paul, John and Alan setting a cracking pace we would return to Louth's Meridian Leisure Centre a little after 1 pm having covered 50 km.

Many thanks to all for the company and a successful first outing of Alan's e-bike.