Saint George's Day 23rd April 2023

Saint George's Day 23rd April 2023

Cycling UK Louth Saint George's Day Club Ride:

Saint George, England’s patron saint and Knight in shining armour (although more likely a 4th Century Roman officer of Greek descent), couldn't prevent some unsettled weather on this Saint George’s Day, 23rd April 2023.

Much to Tim’s amazement, Paul Linder had turned up at Louth’s Meridian Leisure Centre for a shortened ride to Claythorpe Watermill. Apologies had been sent from Mike Gray, John Rickett, John Ambler, Reg Bagshaw, Chris Owen and Rob Cook.

The skies were grey and a thick mist and drizzle soon turned into a steady downpour. Never the less, both Tim and Paul persevered and were soon rolling along the lanes through Little Cawthorpe and Muckton. We didn’t meet any other cyclists but instead a number of joggers and dog walkers, each in turn exchanging felicitations on this special day.

Arriving at Claythorpe Watermill at about 10.45 am, we found ourselves to be the only guests. We were informed however that up to 30 classic cars were due to arrive at midday, their owners taking part in a classic car rally. We wished them a splendid day.

Paul enjoyed a fine-looking piece of cake whilst Tim savoured a bacon bun and we enjoyed a chat over hot cups of coffee. Eventually the noise of rain bouncing off the corrugated roof became too loud to converse and so we trooped outside to our bikes ready for a return to respective homes.

Roads were awash, so Tim opted for a direct return arriving back in Louth at 11.30 am having covered just 18 miles. Temperatures had fallen to a chilly 8 Degrees Celsius. Time for a hot ‘Toddy’ and a hot bath.

Many thanks to Paul for his company for a fine day out.