Ride reports for 22nd and 29th May

Ride reports for 22nd and 29th May

Saturday 22nd May, revised ride. Stourhead to Nunney

The weather gods were with us. The drizzle stopped as I got my bike out of the garage and then we had a fine but cool day. At Stourhead we had refreshments in the cafe. On the ride were Jill & Roger, Charlie, Dave, Ken (all day so no Caroline), little Ron, electric Allan, Keith, Mary and me. The route was Maiden Bradley, Longleat, a bit of new road for me in a Frome housing estate and then to the cafe or picnic at Nunney. The return was Witham Friary, the long climb to Yarnfield Gate and down Stourhead



Saturday 29th may, revised ride, Sparkford to Langport

Long time since I had to write a ride report. What with Covid splitting us up for 9 months, a year , 15 months; together with an unpleasant, soggy winter --- However --- Here goes
My intention, as I think you know, was to ride to Fivehead because few of you know it and some of the lanes are quaint and very pretty in sunny weather. I drove the route to check all was accessible, not closed off, etc --- and found that  it was 55miles round-trip. After an erudite discussion with Mr C Porter, the well known authority on velocipede ‘movements’, I decided to change the lunchtime target to Langport; on the grounds that Fivehead made too long a ride for some of those riding from home.
Phoned/visited 2 venues for lunch: they would be happy to see us --- and set off for Haynes.
Beautiful sunny morning, everyone there, even before 10am:-
Charlie     Nicki & Peter     Jill & Roger     Ben     Mary     Ed     Martin     Jerry (new recruit – hopefully)     Me

Arthur Civill and a couple of others were there too, though not to ride with us.
Rowdy assembly around the outdoor café tables til we set off, more or less on time. By-passed Sparkford/303 roundabout (chock a block) via the slip road and rode  on to Queen Camel. Right before the bridge and on through Wales and looped back up to 303 via West Camel. I’d thought this crossing would the weak spot in my route and had vague contingencies. The drivers, admittedly they were only travelling at walking speed, were really considerate and let us all through in no time, so we could get on towards Babcary: several steep hills, all going the nice way, down (Parsons Steeple)!
We crossed the Fosse Way near/to Charlton Adam, Charlton Mackrell  and then picked up the Castle Cary road into Somerton. Back road out and on through Westcombe, down to Pitney and up Pict (I think) Hill.
“General Assembly” on top of hill while we negociated lunch ---- We weren’t wanted by the café at Bow Bridge, so we finished up at Kelways Garden Centre, where they were charming and fed us more than adequately; think they dug up a whole potato patch to give us enough chips! Whatever, it was a really pleasant stop sitting in the bright sunshine, lazing.
When we set off again it was down to Muchelney Abbey and then easterly to Long Load on, I think, my favourite road in the county; sooo pretty. From there north towards Long Sutton, but turn right beforehand and loop through Knole. Onto the Podimore road and then right, through Ilchester and on past RN Yeovilton and back to West Camel and on to Queen Camel, via Wales. BIG MISTAKE, the cars had obviously decided the road was a perfect rat-run to bypass the traffic jams on the 303 and we had some trouble getting past the stream .Queen Camel next, by which time the group had been decimated; Nicki & Peter to Ash, Martin to South Petherton. Everyone else peeled off here to head towards Stalbridge etc, leaving only Jill, Roger, Jerry and me to get back to Haynes.
Our troubles weren’t over, the road through Sparkford was closed due to an RTA and the Police wouldn’t let us through. We thought we’d have to ride a huge loop to get back, til Roger found a shortcut on his map; a tiny, one lane track/road. Unfortunately they tourists had found it too, on their little GPSsss and the four of us had to walk most of the way, shuffling/sidling past shiny motahs inhabited by grumpy, hot-looking people, off to the seaside.
Jerry left immediately once we got back, whilst Jill, Roger and I had ‘afternoon tea’, but no cucumber sandwiches: it still went down very well
So thanks to all those who came, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I thought   England had dressed in her best for us that day!