Ride report for 5th June

Ride report for 5th June

Saturday 5th June Picnic Ride to Sutton Bingham. (Postponed from wet May 8th)

Cyclists and coffee go together perfectly and we are very well catered for at the Green Man coffee house which is becoming a regular haunt.

On Saturday morning refreshed and refuelled we set off towards Holwell along a favourite lane - wide green verges brimming with shoulder height buttercups and Hawthorn blossom crowding the hedges.

A little intimidating this time as the courtage of trailer laden freshly cut silage approached us for several miles. However the familiar route across to Bailey Ridge was rewarded by watching two red kites circling and diving in a newly cut and baled hayfield. Down to Leigh, on to Hamlet, then to Rhyme Intrinseca. After we crossed the A37 with Nicky’s safe advice, up and down to the Reservoir completed the journey.

Under the shade of trees or in the sun we picnicked with a view of sailing dinghies and the chorus of birds...all very relaxing before the climb back up to the East Coker turning. Peter and Nicky who had ridden to the start went west, the rest dispersed to Hamish’s for ice cream treats from Charlie! Then onwards back to Boys Hill where Ron was happy to shepherd Jerry back to Kings Stag.

The diminishing group came through the Caundles and then chose the best way home. Gentleman Charlie came to the rescue for me... I was beginning to struggle with my over heating issue and was revived in Sheila’s bountiful garden with ice cold fruit juice, before the last few miles. Mary had left us at lunch for a “long way home”, which by my calculations was further than the ride! My thanks to Roger (at the start), Charlie, Mary, Ron, Jerry, Peter, Nicky, Ben and Alan for joining me.


Wednesday Wander 9th June

Gillingham Town meadow was today’s starting point so after discussion we meandered through the town and up Bay Road to Lawn crossroads. Turning right the lane was thick either side with buttercup meadows, until we turned into the woody, tree lined, rolling road to Sedgehill. A quick spin up the A350 so we could ride some lesser used lanes below the Pythouse estate then on to Semley to try Compton Macrae coffee at the crossroads Barn complex. Returning by Motcombe we made our way home. Next week Wednesday Wander starts at Stalbridge Library/Hub 9.30.