Ride Report for 17th April

Ride Report for 17th April

Roger’s Ride to Hamish’s 17th April

A crisp frosty start to the morning with the promise of sunshine later – what more could cyclists wish for! Lorraine kindly offered coffee and cake at Stalbridge in her beautiful garden so the 11 riders were replete and ready for the off.

Roger led us up towards Stourton Caundle and then down to Purse Caundle, setting the trend for the day out. Definitely rolling, up and down we weaved our way through the greening hedge lanes spotting bluebells, celandines and emerging wild garlic. By the time we reached North Wootton, jackets were off, lighter gloves and the warmth of the sun cheering the chattering group. A diversion down to Lillington just because Roger had never been there….caused the mutiny of Richard. “Oh No, I know what is down there!” he cried and he carried straight on. Nicky and Peter were waiting at the viewpoint having climbed up Knighton Hill, so we were glad to stop, chat and strip off another layer. Things were warming up even more. After Beer Hackett, on to Yetminster where electric Alan unfortunately gained a flat tyre. Ably assisted by the Mike, David and Charlie, the rest were led on to lunch. Well what a wonderful experience – just like the old days. We sat in the newly adorned and landscaped front of the Farm Shop, in the sun, catching up. Ken was already there, the puncture group arrived and everyone was efficiently fed. Roger thought it too good a day to go straight home so we turned off at Rhyme Intrinseca to make our way to Hermitage. The first sighting of Purple Orchids in their usual place after Chetnole was another joy to see. Back on familiar lanes through to the Caundles I managed to snap a gear cable. My mechanic twiddled the top limit adjusting screw to find a couple of cogs but minus 7 more gave me a very hard ride home!

46 marvellous miles for us but more for the Shaftesbury riders, completed a grand day out – lots more of these please!
