Ride report for 15th May

Ride report for 15th May

Report      Saturday 15 May 2021


Gillingham to Boyton


                7 Cyclists met at the Café Corsa  (ex Newt Café ) on a warmish day but with sun and heavy showers forecast. Entrants were Ron, Keith, Mike P, Jill, Roger, David M and me.  Richard however arrived on 4 wheels – he had ridden yesterday in fine weather!

After a drink and snack and just as we were processing our respective credit cards, the sky darkened and it started to rain – enough to wet the saddles. So Waterproofs on.

As Jill predicted, the 6 riders were reduced to 5 as Roger refused at the first hurdle. It is a well documented fact that he dislikes water falling from the sky, although he has been known to have a shower or two on previous BVCC holidays.

So of we went and guess what – rain stopped after 10 minutes!

My shorter planned route via Mere Down to Longbridge Deverill was immediately scuppered by a five to one majority!  I have never ridden up this long, steep, winding main road – it will have to wait for another day!

One of the normal routes was adopted instead – Milton on Stour, Kilmington, Maiden Bradley and then on to Longbridge Deverill.  Keith and Ron left us at this point – cycling and motorbike racing on telly!

That left just 4 of us riding along the Wylye Valley avoiding the darkening rain clouds.

We soon arrived at the Ginger Piggery helped along by a strong tailwind.

Sitting under the poshest covered table at the lunch spot, we were welcomed by Jackie, Martin, Paula and Sally who had arrived by car – a badly timed second Covid jab meant they didn’t have time for cycling – I think they just came to see us get wet!

 Anyway, the 4 tough cyclists sat at an uncovered table and proceeded with lunch under threatening skies. After 45 minutes, the clouds could contain the moisture no longer and treated us to an absolute deluge which swamped the roof guttering and flooded the eating area. A real killjoy.

After what seemed an eternity, the rain petered out, so we quickly set off heading for Wylye.

On turning south over the railway line, the real work started with the long, long steep climb of Wylye Moor.

Navigating flooded, potholed and gravelled surfaces, we eventually passed through Teffont Magna and Tisbury heading for Semley.

Mike decided to puncture at this point but as he is a very strong long distance veteran, we left him and headed for the shelter of Semley Church.

Jill elected to carry on just to keep warm while David and I waited until he arrived.

Now the heavy rain started again as we passed through Semley on the back road to Gillingham where David said goodbye.

This left Mike and yours truly to sing merrily along the flooded lanes up to Fifehead Magdalen when again another heavy cloudburst swamped us!


             Ironically when we arrived in Stalbridge, the sun came out for the remaining half mile.  Ah well -  you can’t be lucky with the weather all the time.


My thanks to the 3 brave souls who joined me today on the full ride. I think that in a masochistic way we did enjoy it and can hopefully look forward to a good summer after a VERY disruptive 15 months.




PS   I lost some brownie points for losing Jill who returned home via Motcombe instead of Gillingham.  She has however, forgiven me - so I’m happy again. It happened to be Jill’s longest daily ride this year – 65 miles!


Wednesday Wander 3.


Lanes through the Caundles provided a quiet start, then across towards Folke to see the bluebells and wild garlic. Definitely wandering, we crossed to Boys Hill and joined the Granville’s Wootton back road. On then to Holwell and more lanes to Kings Stag. Coffee in the sun at the new Green Man cafe was a delight. After Hazelbury Bryan we dropped down to Sturminster then more lanes, everyone choosing their own best way home. Next week Buckhorn Weston Village Hall 9.30 for another wander round and about.
