Ride report for 12th June

Ride report for 12th June

Ride Report

Fontmell Magna to Horton Saturday 12th June




On a cloud-thinning & warming day, 14 of us met in the village shop tea garden and enjoyed both the floral display and the drinks and cakes - I think they want the trade but I sometimes wonder! Jill & Roger, Jackie & Martin and Ed headed for home.

Unbeknownst to me the gritting lorries had a busy week and for those who arrived from Bedchester, one trip on that surface was enough. So I elected to set off down the A350 to Iwerne Minster instead and we just gritted(?) our teeth and flowed with the coast-bound traffic, going in two groups to reduce road rage!

Getting the main climb up Tower Hill done in the cool of the morning, we enjoyed the long cruise down the Tarrant Gunville valley where Mary and I leapfrogged one another whilst investigating the benefits of slipstreaming.....it works!

The temperature was perfect as we continued through the flower-clad Tarrant lanes with little traffic to contend with and took the evil switchback up toward Witchampton. We crossed the B3078 Cranborne road - keeping Ron guessing! through Hinton Martell and a small road which gave us a fine view of the Horton Tower. Built as a folly in 1750 by the Lord of Horton Manor, it was once the tallest non-religious building in the country. As Peter remembered, also starred in the film “Far from the Madding Crowd” with Julie Christie and Terence Stamp.

We arrived at the Horton Inn in good time having shortened the distance by avoiding the grit and so were ahead of the crowd. Ken’s deposited car had not been vandalised overnight and returned home to rescue the dogs. Dr David found his tyre had exploded off the rim in one section but that was sorted and our food and drink was quick to arrive. We all had their ciabatta rolls with various fillings and agreed that they were a good choice. The pub has recently changed hands and seems to be a good venue.

Back on the road we took the quiet lanes through the Gussage valley - completely dry but unfortunately gave Mary an instant puncture in her front tyre. Delighted to use her new tyre tool it was a pit stop up to Formula 1 timing! Whilst we waited, a pair of red kites wheeled above wondering if a bunch of static cyclists offered any good pickings!

Through Farnham to Chettle where my plan of taking the byway over the Estate land had to be put on hold whilst we waited for the return of 2 electric and 1 long-legged group members (any guesses?) who had gone ahead and arrived at the busy A354 - that which I was trying to avoid! The byway proved to be much better than Peter had dared hope; no doubt down to our recce of it during the week and sweeping off the large branches and cutting back Mary-grabbing briars! My ear however, did not straighten up for several miles ..... come on Ron, you know you enjoyed it!

Back up the long Tarrant Gunville drag where Dr David increased his ornithological knowledge by learning the difference between a robin and a buzzard! One never stops learning!

Wheeeeee! Down, down into Iwerne Minster and I elected to go back along the A350 in case my plan of Sutton Waldron threw up any more grit. Surprisingly quiet compared to the manic high road, past Claysmore School’s sports day and we arrived at home where Ken was waiting with, not medals but tea, ice cream and cakes. Specially made gluten-free cakes....where were you Jill?! Don’t worry, they went down well enough! Those heading home westbound had to perform the ‘gritterbug’ once more!

So thanks to Mary, Ron, Nicky and Peter(good to see), Alan, Ben, & Dr David who all came out east. The shortened gritless ride was 36 miles and the temperature and shady climbs made for a pleasant ride out.


Wednesday Wander 16th June

Notable nature notes on today’s ride: skylarks through the Caundles and Holwell, Elder flower blossoms, and fields of tidy hay making. So another pleasant sunny spin through the lanes for coffee at Kings Stag. Wednesday rides are more relaxed, giving the opportunity to look and listen. Certainly today the gardens on the outskirts of Sturminster Newton were scented with roses, and looking lovely full of summer blooms. Cycling is definitely the way to enjoy the lanes! Next week Wednesday Wander starts 9.30 at Buckhorn Weston village Hall.