Ride Leader Information.

Ride Leader Information.

For Swansea CTC, there is no formal training or assessment required to become a Ride Leader, if you know the route and are willing to make decisions then you are 90% of the way there. Attached is a condensed version of the Guidelines for a Ride Leader which will give you more information relating to leading rides. You will need to be assertive because you may have a number of grumpy old men wanting to go a different route or stop for coffee and cake at a different place. Every ride needs a boss, the leader is the boss! As in real life, the boss is not always right but is always the boss. The Leader has been given charge and must take charge. Once you have ridden a few rides with us, you will have an understanding on what the leader does - or should do! 

If you would like to become a leader, please contact the Secretary who will register you with Cycling UK, Of course, all leaders must be full members of Cycling UK.

On the Cycling UK home web page (Login required), you can find much more information including the Ride Leaders Toolkit which is a comprehensive library of all you may need.