Our October Ride reports

Our October Ride reports

Reports from our rides in October



Gillingham to Warminster. 30th October


Thought the ride to Gillingham would be a good TRICK and my presence  at Orchard Park a real TREAT for the rest-ugh!  The rest being Jackie, Mary, Martin, Charlie, Dave M, Stephen, Richard and Ron.
We went behind the Senior School to Bay then out to West Knoyle and that **** hill to Willoughby Hedge where Ron and Stephen wisely left us as we risked our lives to cycle 200m on the A303 but that was worthwhile for the views on the Keysley Farm road where it seemed yet another wedding would be taking place later on. Down to the Deverill Valley, out to Sutton Veny where Jackie and Richard parted with the intention of raiding the lunch venue before we gannets arrived. On arrival at Tytherington an in depth conflab resulted in our going to Heytesbury instead of Chitterne so we crossed the A36 and rode up to the Plain. Now had we turned up there a minute later I reckon that the ride on the amazing concrete road would have been fine but as we started a truck came up to us horn blaring and the lady driver told us we were not allowed on the plain even though there was no firing taking place. Now, I thought “Ho, Ho, we have military might in our ranks (Major Dave) but as no medals were produced we meekly returned to the B road into Warminster on time for the Corn Market Café. Luckily J and R had left some morsels for us and the food was good. Always nice to visit a café as slim folk and see the grossly overweights stuffing themselves.
So Dave’s excellent route through Warminster Park was taken but either by mistake or intention we found ourselves in a boggy patch followed by a steep track which had (at least) Mrs F and me baying for blood. On reaching a road I thought “ha, ha, TR for Crockerton” but dear (long suffering) reader we were in Sutton Veny again!
Straight ride home, wonderful rainbow, lovely weather, great company, 57 miles for me so thanks all.


Stalbridge to Weston Bmapfylde Saturday Oct 23rd
    I was pleasantly surprised to attract 15 to Dikes for coffee. All on bikes except Caroline who was wearing a rather subtle round badge about the size of a saucer with flashing red leds around its edge. On it was written 60. The youth of today.
    Jackie and Jill returned home (Jill poorly) and the rest of us covered quiet and undulating lanes but we were suddenly awoken when we met a milk tanker nose to nose near Poyntington. In the ensuing emergency stop Alan’s rear mudguard took a bump but a cable tie came to the rescue. The lanes for the next few miles were new to many and I even think I heard Richard say he had not been along there for many years.  Just after Sandford Orcas Peter and Nicky joined us by prior arrangement. All was well until after Chilton Cantelo when we noticed some of the group had gone awol. It appears Ben’s cassette had had enough of being attached his back wheel but with a little brute force and improvisation all was well.
    Lunch seemed to be large portions of everything and at times the conversation was deafening. They always say the last thing to go is the tongue.
    Our ride home was nothing fancy. We split up in South Cadbury and Blackfoot and made our own way home.
Those on the ride were Charlie, Ben, Steve, Peter, Nicky, Ron, Richard, Ed, Alan, Mike A, David WM, Dave M (doing an excellent back markers job)  and me with Keith joining us for the first few miles.



Sparkford to GlastonburySaturday 16th October 2021

On a fine autumn day I was joined by Marnhull Jill, Roger, Ed, and Ron, Ash Nicky and Peter, Shaftesbury Mary and David, Stalbridge Charlie and Alan, Wells Geoff, and South Petherton Mike. We went via Butleigh so I could get in 0.6 miles of new road that was all downhill. Several of us went to Morrison's for lunch where after we had eaten the store had to be evacuated because the fire alarm was actuated. Perhaps there was too much hot air from our talking. The return was via Hornblotton for early tea and cake at Haynes motor museum. We made sure we were not going to be caught out again by the cafe closing at 4PM.


Wincanton Richard

            Mere to Sherborne Saturday 9th October 2021

Jackie and I cycled through the cold and damp mist to arrive at the Hillbrush cafe at 09.50. Steve, who'd left Shaftsbury in the sunshine, was already there. Although I had booked a table we were asked to sit outside with wet tables and chairs. When more cyclists arrived we decided to rebel and go inside which was fairly empty. The coffee and cake took ages to arrive and was very expensive and so the general opinion was "we won't  be coming here again". Not a great start for my first ride as leader for some time. 

There were 13 riders at the start but only 8 were doing the whole ride due to flu jab appointments. We didn't leave the Hillbrush till 11 o'clock due to the slow service so I decided to cut out a loop via Gasper and Penselwood in order to meet our target of 1.30 for lunch. So we cycled on the undulating road through Zeals and Bourton direct to the Hunters Lodge and turned right towards Charleton Musgrove then left on Rectory Lane towards Wincanton Racecourse. Along this road Caroline noticed that my rear wheel looked wobbly, so at the next junction we stopped to check and sure enough one of the spokes was broken. So ace mechanic Charlie removed the offending spoke and trued the wheel as best he could for me. By now the mist had gone and it was ideal riding conditions so we pressed on to Shepton Montague and a long steep climb to Yarlington and Woolston then under the A303 and Compton Paucefoot and Corton Denham to the Red Post where we joined the B3415 for the fast downhill run into Sherborne. We arrived dead on 1.30 at the White Hart and had our usual table in the "Shoe room". After a welcome pint of ale, a sandwich and well earned rest (the service was much better) we set off again on the road out of Sherborne to the A30 and after a short distance turned left up the sharp incline to Milborne Wick, past the ducks, where Richard left us to head back to Wincanton, under the railway, up another sharp climb and then out to the A30 again. At the lights in Henstridge we turned right where Charlie and Mike left us and headed straight back to Stalbridge. The rest of us went via the golf club and Fifehead Magdalen then went our separate ways to home. Overall a nice fairly hilly ride in perfect weather and great company. I covered 45 miles from home and others quite a bit more. Those on the ride were Jackie and I, Steve, Charlie, Mike A, Caroline, Mary and Richard N. The others at the Hillbrush were Jill and Roger, Jim, Ed, and Ken. Thanks to all for coming.




            Child Okeford to Pamphill  Sunday 3 October 2021
            Words almost fail me for this bungled ride but unplanned, fragmented, botched and shortest ride in the BVCC’s history spring to mind.     LET ME EXPLAIN
The planned ride for Saturday was from Child Okeford to Pamphill Café – just outside Wimborne. This was officially postponed at the last minute (8.10 Friday evening) due to the dire weather forecast which turned out to be spot on.  The Sunday ride would start from Shillingstone Railway Café instead (Child Okeford Café is closed on Sundays).
            OK so far you may say but would you believe it? On Sunday the vast majority of the club’s active riders were not available – they were spread far and wide from Cornwall to the Outer Hebrides – yes, Jenny was testing the weather in bonny Scotland!

So on Sunday only 6 of us gathered in the warm sunshine at Shillingstone and proceeded to discuss many irrelevant subjects for 20 minutes until the moment of truth arrived.

Ben would not be going on the full ride due to work commitments. Mary had a planned music ‘gig’ in the afternoon. Roger was still recovering from the dreaded  ‘lurgy’ and Jill and myself were well below par, so for us, Wimborne was a place too far!

Only Alan Smith, bless him, was chomping at the bit – but did not like the idea of the trailway to Blandford or negotiating the cross country section back to the Tarrant Valley. Can some generous soul provide him with mudguards?

So we now had a dilemma – WHERE DO WE GO?

Ben was keen to head in a westerly direction - he hails from Yeovil after all.  Mary obviously preferred a shorter ride, as did Jill, Roger and yours truly.

Only Alan wanted a longer ride but we totally ignored him!

So after a 15 minute deliberation, we set off in bright sunshine to the Flying Geese at Hazelbury Bryan via Okeford Fitzpaine, arriving there at 11.45 – another hiccup - much to our disappointment, opening hours are 1-4 pm.

The Green Man at Kings Stag was the obvious choice being only a 7 minute ride away

Yippee at last!  The car park was deserted, the doors to the catering entrance were wide open and we were left to devour our meal in an idyllic, peaceful and sunny environment.

Suddenly the quiet of the day evaporated, beginning with the arrival of a slow procession of vintage tractors which pulled into our car park. In 15 minutes, the 50 tractors and associated farm mechanised implements packed every conceivable space and disgorged approximately 150 bodies and 15 dogs.

The noise level increased markedly, beer was flowing, the waitress was rushed off her feet and everyone was obviously enjoying the event, including us.

All good things must come to an end -- the only bit of good luck this weekend. Had we arrived at Kings Stag 15 minutes later – well, it may have been a disastrous ending to the ride.

Ben set off to Yeovil via Holwell while the group returned home via Stock Gaylard. Here we were treated to a spectacle of approx 100 beautiful Fallow Deer running parallel to us on the other side of the boundary fence. First time I’ve seen them since lockdown --- must have been isolating!

Well, the weather was kind to us today, the food was very good, the company was exceptional and we experienced no breakdowns.  28 miles for me, Ben did a few more.
I think I’ve said enough…………thank you………….Charlie