National Road Race Championships – Lincoln 2021

National Road Race Championships – Lincoln 2021

National Road Race Championships – Lincoln 2021

A number of the club had travelled to Tealby on the Thursday to watch the Time Trials but today the Elite Women and Elite Men would tackle the challenging circuit around the City Centre, finishing of course up the tortuous cobbles of Michaelgate to the Castle Square.

The day dawned grey, chilly and sadly with the promise of rain and drizzle. Indeed, on gathering at Bardney Heritage Centre Cafe the drizzly rain seemed to be setting in for the morning. On a cheerier note, Tim Newbery, Chris Owen and Alan Hockham were soon joined by Cycling UK Lincoln. Good to have had the company of Andy Townhill and great too to chat with John Weeks who we hadn’t seen for a number of years.

Setting off at around 11 am from Bardney, temperatures were still a disappointing 11 degrees Celsius and as we continued across the Old River Witham we could almost hear the ethereal chants drifting through the swirling mists from the ruins of the Benedictine Abbey.

Onwards past Bardney Lock and Short Ferry, the drizzly rain intensified and rust-coloured leaves were flitting across the path in tune with the blustery winds, only to clump together alongside the verges weighed down by the wetness of this Autumnal morning.

We bid farewell to the Lincoln riders by the time we reached 5 Mile Bridge, allowing us to continue along the Water Rail Way to the new A15 Lincoln Southern Bypass, where Tim and Alan turned off to head to the Greetwell Roundabout. Chris would return to Bardney.

Tim and Alan had soon reached the Cathedral whereupon it was proving difficult to locate the cycle park. So difficult, it was decided in the end to lock the bikes by the Castle where we were treated to an enthralling finish to the Women’s Elite Race. Many congratulations to Pfeiffer Georgi who came away with the gold medal. Indeed, hats off to all the riders for coping with the conditions, the rain getting heavier by the minute.

It was at this time, looking through a café window at steaming bowls of soup being served that Alan made a very sensible decision to enter the café and take part ourselves. Very refreshing and we ventured out again just as the rain was easing off, in time to watch the start of the delayed Men’s Elite Race.

With 13 laps to go, we calculated that the race would finish at about 5.30 pm. Rather than return in the dark, we would in the end watch about 5 circuits before heading off. Enthralling however, and we enjoyed an almost uninterrupted vantage point by the White Hart Hotel. Mark Cavendish would soon be whizzing by, within inches of the spectators. Tim was careful to keep behind the barriers! We would eventually find out that the Men’s race was won by Ben Swift. Third place would go to Ethan Hayter who had won the Time Trial and Circuit Race.

Setting off at 3 pm, Tim and Alan enjoyed an uneventful return along the Water Rail Way and by now only a few spots of drizzle were falling, temperatures having risen to 13 degrees. Enough however to encourage clouds of insects to swarm around us, along with a bounty of delicate Lacewings emerging after the rains.

20 miles covered for this shortish ride to view the racing.

Many thanks to all for the company and good to have met up with the Lincoln riders.