Mablethorpe 09-11-2022

Mablethorpe 09-11-2022

Wednesday 9th November 2022.

A trip to the seaside and a ride to Mablethorpe, last visited by the club at the end of July.

Peering out of the window at 09.30 am to view the rain wasn’t expected and the temperature was hovering at 9.5 degrees Celsius, just below Rob Cook’s threshold of 10 degrees. Luckily the mercury had risen to 10.0 degrees at 10.00 am and by now the sun was breaking through. Hurrah.

Meeting up with today’s Ride Leader Tim Newbery were Alan Hockham, Rob Cook, Paul Linder and John Rickett. Reg Bagshaw would join us a little later. Tim had devised a route that would take us eastbound through Saltfleetby St. Peter and Theddlethorpe.

A helpful backwind and increasingly sunny skies made for a pleasant ride all the way to North End and for the final straight along Quebec Road to the Promenade.

With the sun shining brightly, an ideal chance of a photo-call with brilliant views across the golden sands. ‘Picture Post Card’ Mablethorpe. Mablethorpe (originally Malbertorp = outlying farmstead of a man called Malbert) has existed as a town for many centuries, gaining its market town charter in 1253.

Although today’s Ride Leader had made a recce to ‘The Louth’ on the Monday when all was fine, he had sadly failed to predict a water mains failure upon our arrival today. A call of “No hot drinks” left members crestfallen. I know Reg was looking forward to a cuppa. Alan somehow managed to purchase the final cup of coffee from the machine. A mix of beans on toast, bacon and egg buns for some went down well but a decision was made to alter the return route to take in Woody’s Bar and Restaurant at Woodthorpe, for us finally to enjoy some hot drinks.

A brisk headwind on our return through Thorpe and Hagnaby (famous for its Premonstratensian Abbey which was founded in 1175), necessitated an increase in effort but the attractive middle marsh lanes made for a pleasant journey to Woodthorpe, where we would indeed take refreshment. Many thanks to John who supplied all the hot drinks. Very generous and much appreciated.

Paul would depart for home from here and eventually Reg would leave the remaining group at Little Carlton. Afternoon showers had been predicted but amazingly we were treated to almost clear blue skies, the temperature now up to 13 degrees Celsius with winds gusting to 25 mph. Arrived back in Louth at 2.30 pm having covered 59 km (36 miles).

Many thanks to all for a fine Wednesday Wander.