An introduction to the Led Ride Project.

Wisteria coming down the side of a winding path where a trail guide and cycling group follow behind

An introduction to the Led Ride Project.

Hi Folks,
Welcome to Handlebars & Saddles 'all inclusive' Cycling Club.
Hoping today finds you healthy and looking forward to the future.

An introduction to the led ride project.
Led rides are open to all who endeavour to improve their skills and also to those who wish to share the attributes and the contributions which social cycling can bring.
Not only is cycling considered a major benefactor to your health, but also your mental well being too.

In the few years I have taken the role as a led ride leader, stationed at Dudley, contracted by Go Sky Ride/British Cycling and Dudley Council, I have met a fantastic group of people.
These people came from all manner of backgrounds, some local members of the public to educated professors of science.
I guess you just do not know to whom you will next meet on social led rides, this makes it both exciting and mysterious at the same time. 

Having learnt a lot by focusing on how cyclists react to positive engagement, this says a lot about people who want to become a group member and the benefits that social group cycling can actually achieve.
Although my engagement to this new club becomes paramount in bringing a new look to social group cycling, we never forget the struggles that some cyclists may have to become a more experienced and a more educated cyclist.

By remaining open minded, we believe that by becoming an all inclusive cycling club will then allow people within the local community to develop new social skills.
So, look out for the 'An introduction to the Led Ride Project' can you really afford not to become a member of a caring and inclusive cycling club?

Date for this event to be announced shortly, stay tuned folks.