Important Information

Wisteria coming down the side of a winding path where a trail guide and cycling group follow behind

Important Information

Message from John Bailey.

I wonder if you could forward this to the membership. 

I thought the following might be of interest to those members that have

converted their bike to an e-bike, replacement front wheel etc.

I have just been trying to Insure my Tandem( which has an e-bike front

wheel conversion) and discovered the two insurance providers on the

Cycling UK website, "Yellow Jersey" and Pedal Cover, will not provide

cover for a bike which has been converted to an e-bike. They will only

insure a manufactured  e-bike not a conversion.

Contact Information

If you have changed your email, mobile phone number/ICE number, please can you let me know so our local records are up do date( Also, please check your membership details are up to date with Cycling UK HQ. This is particularly important with their computer system having recently been upgraded.

Kind regards

Stephen Read

Registration Secretary.