Farmer Brown's Ice Cream Parlour

Farmer Brown's Ice Cream Parlour

Ice Cream's at Farmer Browns. Sunday 24th October 2021.

It was very encouraging to have a great turnout at Louth’s Magna Vitae Leisure Centre on what had been forecast to be a very windy day. Meeting up with today’s Ride Leader Tim Newbery, were Rob Cook, John Rickett, John Ambler and Alan Hockham. Apologies had been sent by Chris Owen.

Departing on schedule at 09.30 am the route would be clockwise in direction, heading initially to Keddington and South Cockerington. So far so good, the wind was in our favour! On reaching Grimoldby we were delighted to see Reg Bagshaw waiting to join the group. By now, we were facing into wind and progress was somewhat hindered as we continued through the Carltons and Withern.

Skies were increasingly bright and spells of sunshine buoyed our progress. Interesting too to hear the calls of geese, skilful in navigation as they flew in echelon, characteristic ‘V’ formations’ worthy of any aircraft display. The front bird leaves a wake of swirling air behind, which helps give a lift to the next bird along and in this way, each bird in the V gets some help.

At Castle Hill, the B1373 would take us directly to Woody’s Bar and Restaurant with time for some refreshments. Sitting at one of the outside tables we were welcomed by Paul Linder who would join us at this point. Good to have your company again Paul.

After a peasant chat, John Ambler and Reg Bagshaw would opt to return home. It was certainly proving to be a windy day, the forecast gusts of 30 mph confirmed by all the local weather stations. Up until recently, the trees had held onto their leaves in spite of the advancing season, but today the leaves in a myriad of Autumn hues were being shaken from their perch and were swirling their way down to earth.

A short 6 miles for the leg through Markby and Hannah to a mid-way break at Farmer Brown’s Ice Cream Parlour. Understandably too soon for some to stop and Rob bade us farewell for a very pleasant route through Huttoft, Alford and up to the foothills of The Lincolnshire Wolds. Thanks for the photographs, Rob. Super views. For the remainder the chance of a cuppa and for Tim a single scoop of caramel and toffee ice cream which he had been looking forward to.

Paul was in fine form today riding effortlessly into the wind but duties in Alford meant he was to leave us near Markby which left the remaining three members to tackle the crosswind along Mill Lane and Green field Lane towards Aby.

For our final stop, Claythorpe Water Mill would offer a fine place to rest a while. The skies now almost clear blue and with the sun beaming down it felt positively warm, the thermometer registering 14 degrees Celsius, about average for the time of year. Plenty of wildlife too with a flypast by a Cormorant.

Our last leg back to Louth entertained us with some gentle climbing (the rise from Station Farm to Authorpe Grange is certainly noticeable) and with a back wind were soon at the outskirts of the town by around 2.30 pm having covered 37 miles.

Many thanks to everyone for their company.

See you all again soon.