Easter Sunday Ride 2023

Easter Sunday Ride 2023

Cycling UK Louth’s Easter Day ride to Wold Newton:

The day dawned dry and bright although chilly once again with just 7 Degrees Celsius registering on the mercury when members assembled at Louth’s Meridian Leisure Centre. We had however been promised a seasonal average 13 degrees later in the afternoon.

Apologies had been received from Reg Bagshaw and Chris Owen which left Tim Newbery greeting John Rickett, John Ambler, Paul Linder, Alan Hockham and Rob Cook. It would be Rob’s first ride with us for several months and we hoped he’d cope with the sub 10 degree temperatures. Welcome back Rob!

A technical hitch with Alan’s bike meant that he’d catchup with us en route which left the remainder to head towards Brackenborough, with Tim pedalling away on his reserve Subway 8. Ings Lane would take us to Utterby and then as always, a pleasant ride along the country lanes through North Ormsby. Daffodils would start to line the route and the Rapeseed in the adjacent fields was turning increasingly into the characteristic vibrant hues of bright yellow.

On the climb up to Boswell Road we were overtaken at some speed by Alan and when the group assembled at the top-road we took a breather to admire the fine views of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Sadly, clouds were thickening and it would be a push on the pedals to get to Wold Newton for warming mugs of tea and coffee. We had by now encountered a number of cycling groups; all it would seem heading off to the Village Hall to sample the legendary cakes. Thanks again to John Rickett for securing a table in the outside cabin.

Temperatures by this time had nudged up to a little over 8 degrees and Rob and John opted for a direct route back to base camp. Thanks to Rob for the splendid photograph at North Elkington Top, the abundant spring daffodils again brightening up the landscape.

For Tim, Alan, Paul and John Rickett, we would very soon stop again to have a chat with Jason Bartup and members of Louth Cycle Club who were heading off for slices of cake. We had promised that we’d left plenty of choice. Onwards and indeed downwards through the Grainsby Estate and Bowlings Park. By now the sun was starting to shine again and it was an increasingly pleasant wander to Tetney and Tetney Lock.

With Tim ‘up front’ a headwind all the way to Conisholme slowed our progress a little but we arrived ahead of schedule at a little after midday. Tim opted for a reviving scoop of Mango and Passionfruit ice cream with Paul favouring a helping of the lemon flavour. Perhaps more sensibly, John and Alan chose cups of coffee. Temperatures 11 degrees.

From St. Peter’s Church at North Somercotes all the way to Scupholme, daffoldils would line the verges and with the sun now shining from almost blue skies it wouldn’t be long before the spire of Louth’s St. James’ church came into view.

Arrived back at the Leisure centre at 1.45 pm, ahead of schedule, with the mercury registering the much promised 13 degrees. For the Louth contingent, 40 miles covered.