

Cycling UK 'mini' groups ride to Cleethopes, Sunday 9th August.
Chief Photographer Rob Cook.

The weather is continuing to be topsy turvy and very unpredictable. One day hot sunshine and near heat wave conditions; the next day grey skies and chilly winds. Whilst not very far away beach goers were basking in 34-degree Celsius heat and packed like sardines on the beach, Cleethorpes would record a maximum air temperature of 17 degrees Celsius under grey cloudy skies, the cloud thick enough to give outbreaks of drizzle. At least there would be ample space to socially distance ourselves. The original plan was to enjoy a coffee or ice cream at Darracotte's Ice Cream Parlour.

There would in the end be enough members for two 'mini' group rides to Cleethorpes. Meeting up with Tim Newbery at the Meridian Lesiure Centre were Jason Bartup, John Rickett, John Ambler, Rob Cook, Rob Whitworth, Chris Owen and Barry Jordan who had peddled in from Kingsmead Park. Great to see Barry back out with the group once more.
Jason led one of the groups whilst Tim would be a little slower paced on a mountain bike leading a second group (the mountain bike necessitated by reasons he won't go into here).

The north-easterly wind would make cycling a little harder but it wasn't too long before we were passing through Alvingham and Yarburgh. It was surprising just how many other cyclists were also out on the lanes, some in groups well in excess of six, closely bunched up but most were at least attempting to follow the prescribed restrictions.

The drizzle continued and there appeared to be little prospect on skies brightening up anytime soon but a pleasant enough journey to Tetney and Humberston. As we approached Cleethorpes Country Park, Chris bade his farewell to return to home comforts. Jason and John Rickett in the forward group had agreed to meet up outside the Premier Inn but there had been a hiccup in communications as they had already enjoyed a breakfast by the time the second wave had arrived. On enquiry to purchase said breakfast we were informed we were one minute late and food was no longer being served! Barry quite sensibly hopped over the other side of the road and headed for 'The Bus Café' whilst the rest enjoyed a coffee at the Premiere Inn. Tim apologises for any misunderstanding but at least our lunch stop was only an hour away where food had been promised to be served from midday. (Tim will have to wait a little longer for an ice cream!)

Again in separate groups, riders would now start the ascent into the Lincolnshire Wolds, passing through Brigsley and onward towards Thorganby. Rob Cook had spied some rather magnificent brambles, but being immediately by the main road thought better of foraging for his supper.

Meeting up briefly at the 'Click'em Inn, we would bid 'Bon Voyage' to Jason and John Rickett whilst Rob Cook would settle down for a well-earned picnic lunch. Tim, Rob Whitworth and John Ambler decided that sausage egg and chips looked too good to turn down and enjoyed a good old natter over a pint. Rob Cook would return home independently whilst the remainder continued to Louth via North Ormsby, Utterby and Brackenborough. 45 miles for the Louth contingent, arriving home at about 2.45 pm under grey skies which had showed no sign of brightening.

Many thanks to all and it was good to have Barry's company again. Thanks too to Rob Cook for the photos.