Claythorpe Water Mill

Claythorpe Water Mill

Sunday 18th April 2021

Cycling UK Louth ride to Claythorpe Mill

In marked contrast to last Sunday, the weather was set to almost perfection for a short, flat ride to Claythorpe Water Mill, appropriately enough on this ‘World Heritage Day’.

John Rickett had sent his apologies but we had a great turnout at Louth’s Meridian Lesiure Centre at 9.30 am. Joining Ride Leader Tim Newbery were Reg Bagshaw, John Ambler Rob Cook, Chris Owen and Mike Gray (this would be his first ride with us for several months). Also in attendance was Pete Staves who has recently moved into the area. Welcome Pete! We hoped that we wouldn’t put him off on his first ride with us.

Our ride today was designed to be a short, social ride and we headed off along the quiet (rather potholed) roads through Stewton, Legbourne Furze and onwards through the Carltons. Very pleasant in the light winds and brilliant sunshine although the air temperature was only registering 9 degrees Celsius (some of us, including Pete and Rob were even wearing shorts!).

Passing by Castle Carlton, little remains of the once mighty motte and double bailey dating to the 12th century. Founded by Hugh Bardolf, the only clues of its presence now are the appropriately named ‘Castle Wood’ and a few earthworks. Onwards along the picturesque lanes through Authorpe, we were soon approaching Claythorpe and our destination for today and all looked forward to refreshments in the grounds of the water mill.

For some a cup of tea or coffee, for others a slice of cake, plum bread or bacon and sausage sandwiches. All the better with amiable chat and we were delighted to have had the company of Alan Hockham. By now the temperatures had risen to a dizzy 11 degrees and we took time to admire this former 18th Century water mill. It was the last working mill in Lincolnshire, finally ceasing operations in 1977.

The riders now rested and fully fueled, departed for the homeward leg through Aby. Alan would head for home whilst the remaining group carried on to Belleau Bridge where crystal clear waters of the Great Eau gently meander through the pastures, and indeed this site was once famed for its watercress.

With many of the small side roads having been very recently redressed (loose chippings everywhere), the group followed the ‘top road’ through Muckton at which point we bade farewell to Reg. Chris would in turn leave us at little Cawthorpe which left just the ‘famous five’ to return to Louth.

A shade under 25 miles for the Louth contingent. Many thanks to all for their company and special thanks to Pete for accompanying us today. You are most welcome any time.

(next Sunday's ride is now likely to be to Farmer Brown's Ice Cream Parlour, nr Huttoft)