Claythorpe 05-04-2023

Claythorpe 05-04-2023

Wednesday Wander to Claythorpe Watermill 5th April 2023:

Rain had been promised on the Wednesday, but not until later in the afternoon and it was delightful to have some sunshine to start the day. Chilly admittedly, with temperatures of 7 Degrees Celsius at 10.00 am.

John Rickett as eager as always and looking forward to the ride, met up with Tim Newbery at Louth’s Leisure Centre. Paul Linder had indicated that he’d meet up with us at Claythorpe Watermill. We had advised Paul of an ETA of about 11.15 am. Apologies had been sent by John Ambler and Rob Cook.

A brisk headwind of about 30 kmh meant a steady ride and quite a push on the pedals through Keddington and the Cockerington’s and a check to see if Reg was waiting for us at Grimoldby. No sign of Reg today so we continued to Great Carlton, then on through the attractive village of Authorpe to arrive at Claythorpe watermill a little ahead of schedule at 11.10 am.

We were greeted by Paul and also Alan Hockham who had made very good progress and had already polished off mugs of coffee. Further refreshments were enjoyed over a chat in some pleasant sunshine.

John had picked up a copy of the new Lincolnshire Wolds leaflet at the mill and we wondered if the church on the front cover was that of St John the Baptist in Belleau. We all trooped off to Belleau to check but no match on this occasion. Further investigation is required.

Paul and Alan would depart southbound from here whilst Tim and John would turn northbound to Meagram Top, a circuit around Burwell Park where we had great views of a Roe deer and then a route through Muckton and Little Cawthorpe.

Unusually, no sightings of Buzzard but several Skylark and a joy as always to listen to their distinctive song.

Arrived back at the Leisure centre at 12.45 am having covered 40 km.